by Moshe Engelberg | Amare Wave Wednesday
“This year, I resolve to prioritize my time, delegate more, and have a good work-life balance.” Sound familiar? It’s the kind of annual commitment lots of leaders make. All reflect big and important goals, and notice, all are about doing things better. Why not make... by Moshe Engelberg | Amare Wave Wednesday
Make This Your #1 Top Priority “Breathing in, I smile. Nothing is as important as my peace, my joy. I smile through everything, even through my suffering, through my difficulties.” So goes an extraordinary guided meditation by the Buddhist monk Thich Nhat... by Moshe Engelberg | Amare Wave Wednesday
The Roots of Arrogance “I don’t take feedback. I give it!” This is arrogance in action, an attitude of superiority that comes from an inflated sense of self-importance and an underlying sense of inferiority. Arrogant leaders may get things done, but it... by Moshe Engelberg | Amare Wave Wednesday
Are Your Eyes Wide Shut? “Really? I had no idea I do that!” This is what I hear from leaders I coach when we come across a blind spot they have. Blind spots are things others see in you that you don’t see in yourself. Shining a light on blind spots is one of the most... by Moshe Engelberg | Amare Wave Wednesday
People Before Problem “First emotionally connect. Understand their thinking. Then work on fixing things.” This is one of the most important recommendations I give to executives I coach. It counters the common instinct to instantly jump in with the solution and save... by Moshe Engelberg | Amare Wave Wednesday
You Just Can’t Outperform Your Environment Gene’s desk is covered in papers, he’s constantly in meetings, and continually interrupted by Slack notifications. He is so frustrated by how little real progress he makes, no matter how hard he tries. When your best efforts...