Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

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Moshe’s Blog

Be a Better Leader: 10 Amare Ways to Get Out of Your Head and Into the Moment

Don’t Let Your Mind Control You

Stacy, a seasoned executive, routinely wrestled with her whirlwind of thoughts, reliving conversations, planning next steps, and drafting emails in her mind. She was unable to find peace or clarity. 

For Stacy, her vivid experience of the “monkey mind” – a term from Eastern philosophy describing the restless state of mind full of distractions and non-stop chatter, finally became too much. With some coaching, she recognized firsthand how her uncontrolled thoughts had become not just a daily struggle but a major impediment to her success as a leader.

Your mind is designed to think thoughts; that’s its job. And your thoughts are very powerful. Yet, you are not your thoughts. In my experience as an executive coach, the work for many leaders is to distinguish themselves from the swirl of thoughts that occupy their minds and learn to influence where their minds go.

You can choose to stop the endless cycle of overthinking that keeps you in your head rather than in the present moment, affecting decisions, relationships, and your ability to inspire. 

Embracing wisdom from Eastern thought, here are three questions to ask yourself, and 10 tools for mastering your monkey mind in order to lead with more heart, clarity, and presence.

  • In what situations do you feel most caught up in your head, and how does it affect your decisions?

  • How often do you find your thoughts hindering rather than helping your leadership?

  • What practices help you clear your mind and refocus on what truly matters in your role?

10 Amare Action Steps to Get Out of Your Head & Into the Moment

1. Identify your thought patterns. Keep a journal for one week to note thoughts that frequently preoccupy and distract you.

2. Do a morning mindfulness ritual. Begin each day with a mindfulness exercise, focusing on your breath for five minutes to settle the monkey mind before it leaps.

3. Try mindful eating. Use one meal a day to practice mindful eating. Eat slowly, savoring each bite, to train your mind to focus on the present.

4. Walk a meditation. Incorporate a short walking meditation into your daily routine, using each step to ground yourself, and separate from the chatter of your thoughts.

5. Journal the stream. Dedicate 10 minutes each evening to free-writing whatever comes to mind. Observe your thoughts without attachment, letting the monkey mind express itself, and then let go.

6. Take a digital detox. Schedule regular periods to disconnect from all digital devices and minimize external stimuli that feed the monkey mind.

7. Enjoy a tea ceremony. Once a week, perform a tea ceremony for yourself, focusing on each step as a practice in mindfulness and a way to calm the mind.

8. Incorporate breathing breaks. Throughout the day, take one-minute breaks to practice focused breathing exercises, centering your mind amidst chaos.

9. Gratitude reflection. Each night, reflect on three things you’re grateful for, shifting your mind from what’s wrong to what’s right.

10. First minute of meetings. Start meetings with a one-minute meditation to encourage presence and focused engagement, setting a calm tone.

Understanding and addressing your monkey mind can be one of the most powerful things you can do to improve your leadership. By integrating practices from Eastern philosophy into your daily life, you will cultivate a leadership style marked by presence, empathy, and clarity. 

This is a lifetime habit that will help you embrace the calm within the chaos, so you lead not just with your mind, but with your whole being. It’s another step to becoming a highly effective love-powered leader.

Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

“Distraction wastes our energy, concentration restores it.”

—Sharon Salzberg, author & co-founder Insight Meditation Society


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