Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

Moshe's blog

Moshe’s Blog

Be Unafraid: 3 Steps to Embrace Fearless Leadership

Fear is a Choice. So is Being Unafraid.

Imagine yourself as a fearless leader. See it, hear it, feel it, taste it. What would that make possible for you? For your people? For your organization? 

You know the opposite (we all do!) — what it’s like to operate from fear. Your body tightens up, your breathing gets shallow, your mind goes blank. To protect yourself, you mentally run or hide. Or you cover your fear with anger and lash out. 

In business, these fearful moments can be debilitating to you and your leadership effectiveness, even if you hide the fear well. Fear-based leadership habits can become so ingrained that you no longer notice that’s how you’re being.

On the other hand, you also know what it’s like to be totally unafraid, even if it’s just momentary. Your body is at ease, your breathing is full, and your mind is crystal clear. It’s not just the absence of fear. It’s the presence of something much more powerful.

Your heart and mind are open. You are accessible, you tell the truth, and you routinely tap into a deeper knowing.  You are full of uplifting and connecting energy, what I call “Amare” love-powered leadership

In business, these fearless moments can be transformative to you and your leadership effectiveness. Especially if you share the fearlessness generously. With practice, it can become how you are as a leader.

To be clear, having fear does not mean you are weak or timid, just as being fearless does not mean you are reckless or arrogant. They are both energetic states. You can be a better leader by learning to recognize your state and shift it at will. 

Here are several self-reflective questions and practical tips, drawing on ancient wisdom traditions, to help you firmly establish yourself in the zone of fearlessness. 

  • What characteristics do you associate with being fearless? 

  • Would you like to be fearless more often?

  • What might happen if you were?

3 Amare Action Steps to Embrace Fearlessness

1. Commit to a “way” of leading. Commit to a leadership path with specific principles and practices that support you to operate from the uplifting energy of love rather than the diminishing energy of fear. Here is one such set of principles. 

2. Join the right community. List three to five people with similar beliefs and desires who can be the start of a supportive community of shared practices. Set up a “fearless” group call to get things started.

3. Know yourself and your purpose. Ask yourself what you are here to do and who you are here to be. Reflect on your leadership and the impact you do have and could have. Then consider how to maximize the alignment between your purpose and your position.

Being unafraid as a leader is extraordinarily empowering. It allows your most authentic and impactful energy to shine through. Your people will sense it, too.

With a path, a community, and a clarity of purpose, you can free yourself from fear and step into the experience of fearlessness–one breath, one decision, one action at a time. The result is magical.  

Lead with the Most Effective Version of You & Your Team

I coach and advise executives and leadership teams on identifying and being the best version of themselves, through the Amare Way of love-powered leadership. For more information, contact me here.


Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

“We have the freedom to choose everything in our experience.”

—Jim Case, author of Fear is a Choice


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Empowering Your Mind: 5 Powerful Techniques to Think More Uplifting Thoughts and Less Diminishing Thoughts 

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