Moshe’s Blog
From Election to Action the Amare Way!
The election is finally over! Soooo... now what? You may be awaiting results or totally caught up in the projections, and depending on your views, feel elated and hopeful or devastated or disheartened. (Note: I intentionally wrote this early on election day...
What is “Good for Business”
As a business leader during this very high profile election season, you no doubt have considered which politicians and policies are good for business. And your vote presumably is influenced by those considerations. Notice your reactions and...
Lead First by Being, Then Doing and Having
As a leader, you believe in the uplifting energy of love to make business better. You want to be guided by the principles and practices of the Amare Way. You know it’s a better way to prosper, with less fear and fighting, and much more happiness. The next thought is...
Vote Your Values the Amare Way
In Amare Way companies, leaders do not have two sets of values - one for business and one for everything else. They have a single set of values that consistently guide them in all aspects of life, and they are aligned with the seven principles of the Amare Way that...
Releasing Harmful Illusions about Business
Sometimes illusions are so powerful and pervasive, we don’t recognize them as illusions. We simply live as though they are true. In business we operate under two dominant illusions that cause a great deal of pain and angst. One is that business is war. It is not. The...
Because What You Do Matters
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