Moshe’s Blog
Empowering Your Mind: 5 Powerful Techniques to Think More Uplifting Thoughts and Less Diminishing Thoughts
Your Many Thoughts Ronnie is preparing to give her most important speech ever. A jumble of thoughts are swirling through her mind at the same time. I’m so excited! What if I mess up? Did I take my morning vitamins? So many thoughts, so quickly. Consider how many...
The Incredible $3 Billion Love-Powered Leadership Decision: How We Can All Be So Inspired
Talk About Commitment! Imagine you’re an exec with plenty of money, deciding what to do with the very successful privately-held company you founded. If you’re Yvon Chouinard, founder of Patagonia, you donate it to perpetually support the environmental causes you...
Be Still & Know: Business is Love.
What is business for? Dan, a good friend and former investigative journalist, recently challenged me: If I say we should reject the conventional “business is war” paradigm, what would take its place? I am very clear that the new paradigm is love. Business is love....
The Purpose and Meaning of Work: Four Ways to Get Super Clear on Why You Work
Why Do You Work? Tami Simon, the longtime head of Sounds True multimedia publishing company, beautifully said: “I have never wanted to work in order to accumulate money and retire... so that I could do something else more enjoyable and more meaningful with my time.”...
Too Damn Nice! How Always Being Nice Hurts You and Your Organization
Quit Being So Nice! “But I want people to like me,” Roger said. I hear this all the time from leaders I coach when they’re making unpopular decisions. And it makes sense. Who doesn’t want to be liked? The problem is when leaders are always “nice” in order to be liked....
Because What You Do Matters
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