Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

Moshe's blog

Moshe’s Blog

The Incredible $3 Billion Love-Powered Leadership Decision: How We Can All Be So Inspired

Talk About Commitment!

Imagine you’re an exec with plenty of money, deciding what to do with the very successful privately-held company you founded. If you’re Yvon Chouinard, founder of Patagonia, you donate it to perpetually  support the environmental causes you believe in. All $3 billion worth. 

For leaders, there is so much pressure to focus on the short-term, to confuse purpose with profits, to encourage greed. Now with Yvon Chouinard’s huge donation, we have an incredible example of really leading with love, of putting money into its proper role, of doing whatever it takes to protect a company’s commitment to its higher purpose. 

Build on this example, and imagine what you can do as a love-powered amare leader. Build on this example, and envision what a love-powered business world can look like. This movement is what I call the Amare Wave. And it’s the new way of doing business.

  • As a leader, what’s the most radical Amare act you can imagine taking?
  • Can you begin to believe in the possibility of a highly profitable, purpose-driven, love-powered business world?

3 Amare Steps to Follow Yvon’s Example

1. Feel like Yvon. Pretend you have a $3 billion company and donate it toward a cause you deeply support. Notice what it feels like to be so totally all in. Now imagine you making a donation like that.

2. Implement one principle. Review the seven Amare Way principles, similar to those that have guided Patagonia for decades. Choose one to focus on for the next month. Share it with your leadership team. 

3. Know your company’s higher purpose. Say it out loud. Let it be your inner compass, your guiding light. Then make sure your words and actions align with that purpose. 

Let yourself be inspired by Chouinard’s commitment and generosity. Go big, really big, with getting on purpose and putting love to work.

Choosing to be a love-powered leader

I invite you to start the process of putting love to work. If your response is Yes (or even maybe) contact me and I’ll connect you with resources to support your next step.


Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

“We hope it will inspire a new way of doing business that puts people and planet first.”

―Patagonia CEO Ryan Gellert on the Chouinard family’s donation


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