Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

Moshe's blog

Moshe’s Blog

Simple Ways to Get More Creative, Solve Big Problems, and Innovate Better

Lots of leaders talk about the importance of innovation. But many don’t really support their people to just be, to break out of the heads-down “doing” cycle, and to foster creative time. 

Consider, when do your best ideas come to you? For most of us, it is not when we’re in task mode, busy getting things done. We need to allow ourselves time and space to be quiet and to be creative. It is an Amare act of self-love that reaps great rewards for your organization.

Start by getting at your core beliefs and patterns that may strongly influence if and how you invest in creative time. 

  • Do you personally hide behind “busy” at work?
  • Do you judge taking “creative time” as being lazy, irresponsible, or weak?
  • Do you value just being – without doing – while at work?
  • Do your words and actions match with respect to creative time?
  • Does your organizational culture honor taking creative time?

 Three Ways to Get More Creative & Innovative

  1. Let your mind wander. Give yourself quiet time free of interruptions (including texts, emails, etc.)- even an hour a week – to explore big ideas, like former Secretary of State George Schultz famously did. Research shows it improves problem-solving and creativity. 
  1. The 20/20/20 rule.  When on your computer, set a timer to prompt you to look at something 20 feet away every 20 minutes for 20 seconds. It’s good for your eyes, good for your mind, and good for your soul.
  1. One minute meditation. Get started by taking one minute, just one minute (you can spare one minute yes??). Breathe in and breathe out eight times and simply notice the air going in and out. That’s it. Huge ROI! 

Inviting Amare Leaders for New Amare Podcast!

Do you know a leader who’s on this path and putting love to work, even in small ways? Contact me and I’ll invite them on my new Amare Leadership podcast starting soon.

Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

“You waste years by not being able to waste hours.”

―Dr. Amos Tversky, Psychologist & Decision-Making Expert

Thanks everyone for tuning in to Amare Wave Wednesday! Do YOUR one amare thing today to improve your business and grow the wave! 


With Amare,


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