Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

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Moshe’s Blog

One Provocative Question and 3 Love-Powered Ways to Learn to Lead from the Inside Out

Leading from the Inside-Out

What would it be like inside you if everything on the outside was taken away? By “outside” I mean things like your job, your reputation, your home, etc. — that which you think defines you. 

 This is a question Michael Singer reflects on in his book, The Surrender Experiment. And it’s a question I invite you to courageously ponder now as part of your leadership journey.

It’s an uncomfortable question for sure, because it makes you acknowledge the possibility that all the outside things you value could go away. Which of course is possible, with or without your acknowledgment. And it’s a valuable question because it gets you to go deep to identify what it is that remains inside, no matter what happens on the outside. 

I believe the essence of your leadership is rooted in that which is still there, that which never leaves you – regardless of the outside stuff. Once you know what that is – even if you forget at times – you will never unknow it. 

  • What comes to your mind when you imagine everything on the outside has been taken away? Stay with it.
  • What sensations do you feel when you imagine everything on the outside has been taken away? Stay with it.

3 Amare Ways to Learn to Lead from the Inside-Out

1. Get to know you. Do a compassionate Q & A with yourself, starting with a question like “So… who are you my friend?” Let the conversation naturally emerge. Only you are hearing it! Repeat often.

2. Make it safe. Provide yourself with whatever you need to feel safe diving into challenges like imagining everything on the outside was taken away. Might be a supportive friend or colleague, nature, prayer, ice cream… whatever it takes.

3. Treasure what you discover. Whatever you discern is left deep within you, respect and honor it. Cultivate a relationship with it by revisiting the question above often. Practice calling on that deep essence within you when tough decisions come up. Name it if that works for you. 

Leading from the inside out starts with knowing what’s inside. This exercise may pleasantly surprise you with what it reveals and the love it unleashes. Enjoy. 

For more on why and how to become a conscious, happy, fulfilled, and love-powered leader, read my other Inc. leadership articles here, and watch this free and short Master Class renowned executive educator, Marshall Goldsmith, and I created.

Move into 2023 with this Free Master Class with Moshe & Marshall Goldsmith!

As my gift to you, I’m pleased to share this YouTube playlist with all six short and lively sessions from my Master Class with famed executive coach and author Marshall Goldsmith. Join us and learn how and why to put love to work in your organization. It’s totally free. Enjoy all six sessions here.

Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

“If you get the inside right, the outside will fall into place.”

—Eckhart Tolle, author and spiritual teacher


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