Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

Moshe's blog

Moshe’s Blog

How a Tomato Plant Can Make You a Better Leader

During a speech by Wes Jackson, a visionary leader in sustainable agriculture and co-founder of The Land Institute, someone in the audience asked, “What can we do to solve all these big, overwhelming problems you’ve described?” Without missing a beat, Wes replied, “Take care of a tomato plant.”

Now, at first glance, that might seem too simple. A tomato plant? To address a global food crisis? But here’s the genius: tending to a tomato plant is both metaphor and practice. It’s about starting small, focusing on what’s in your control, and nurturing life with care and intention. It’s about building habits of responsibility, patience, and action—qualities that grow great Amare love-powered leaders and solve big problems, one step at a time.

Take Care of a Tomato Plant: Leadership Lessons for the New Year

As leaders, we’re often asked to solve what feels like the unsolvable. Instead of leaping into sweeping resolutions, sometimes the best solution is to begin with small, meaningful actions. 

Taking care of a tomato plant isn’t just about tomatoes; it’s about learning to nurture and build something from the ground up. It’s about being consistent and intentional to create a tipping point for bigger changes.

Tipping points, as author Malcolm Gladwell describes, come from the accumulation of small actions over time. The tomato plant (your version, of course!) is your start. A simple, specific action done well can spark a chain reaction that leads to broader impact. It’s not about solving everything at once; it’s about getting momentum (and maybe even a salad!)

  • What’s your “tomato plant” for this coming year?

  • What support do you need to make sure it thrives?

5 Amare Action Steps to Better Leadership

1. Identify your tomato plant. Choose one small action or habit you’ll nurture daily that aligns with your bigger goals.

2. Commit to consistency. Show up and do something every day to nurture your version of a tomato plant–even if it’s simply checking in.

3. Celebrate progress. Don’t wait for the harvest to acknowledge the growth. Celebrate the small wins along the way.

4. Share the seeds. Encourage your team to identify their own “tomato plants” and support them in their efforts. Check in with them periodically.

5. Reflect and reset. At the end of each week, take stock of what worked and what didn’t. Adjust your care plan as needed.

Start Small, Grow Big in 2025

As you wrap up the year and look ahead, remember Wes Jackson’s wisdom. Leadership isn’t about fixing everything all at once; it’s about starting where you are, with what you have. 

Commit to small, intentional actions that ripple outward. Take care of a tomato plant. Nurture something small and watch it grow. The habits you build and the care you give today will shape the world you lead tomorrow.

Together, we can create tipping points of change and growth—one tomato plant at a time. Who knows? By next year, we can all have gardens worth celebrating.

Do You Feel Called to Improve as a Leader

Are you willing to be all you can be as a leader? Consider starting 2025 with the gift of professional coaching. I have an opening in my Strong Start Leadership Coaching Program at the moment. Contact me for more info.


Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. 

—Lao Tsu, in the ancient Tao Te Ching

Acknowledgments: Deep appreciation to filmmaker extraordinaire Michael Johnson for envisioning and producing Prairie Prophecy about Wes Jackson’s work (including the story at the top of this newsletter)  in a moving documentary that will be airing in 2025. More on Wes here.


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