Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

Moshe's blog

Moshe’s Blog

Get Ready for the Leadership Revolution! 4 Powerful Steps To Take Right Now.

Businesses You Love

Quick: Name three businesses off the top of your head that uplift you when you engage with them. Could be a sports team, restaurant, nonprofit, retailer, whatever. You feel good giving them your business and have a connection with them, a sense of belonging together, right? 

They want you to be happy and come back for more. You want them to succeed. This is the Amare model, love at work; winning with energy that uplifts and connects. This is the paradigm we are normalizing, the revolution in business consciousness, the Amare Wave. 

And it’s a simple idea: Choose love. Every time. Make war-like business obsolete. Check out these 7 principles to guide you forward and help you prosper as a love-powered leader.

  • Does your organization act like the ones you love?
  • What might happen if you did, or did so to a greater extent? 
  • What would it take for you to consider making love your business legacy?

4 Amare Ways to Change Your Paradigm and Lead with Love 

1. Find the magic. Thinking of one of the organizations you identified above, complete this sentence: I feel uplifted and connected when ______________. Repeat with the others. Notice the direct connection between what they do and what you experience.

2. Imagine if. Actively see your company making choices that uplift and build connections with your employees, customers, and other stakeholders. Now write down one small step you’ll take today to manifest what you see.

3. Go big. Bring your colleagues, partners, and supply chain into the mix. Share your vision for what being a love-powered business could be like top to bottom and what that might produce. Ask for buy-in, and if there is none, ask what it would take for them to say yes.

4. Start with your heart. Repeat to yourself 10x “I am a love-powered leader.” Notice what gets stirred up, positive and negative. Now take a few deep breaths, smile, and do it again. Repeat daily for the next week, noting what changes each day.

Imagine your customers really loving your organization, and wanting to engage with you because they feel uplifted and connected when they do. Now imagine this is the “new normal” in the world of business. Now lead the way – you got this!  (Click here for simple ways to get started being a love-powered leader). 

Amare Speeches

I do keynote speeches that inspire good people to challenge their business paradigm and put the power of love to work in their organizations. If you know of folks that could use this kind of message, let me know.


Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

― R. Buckminster Fuller, noted author, architect, and futurist


Acknowledgements: The stories that often begin these newsletters come from a mix of my experiences and imagination.


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