Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

Moshe's blog

Moshe’s Blog

From Election to Action the Amare Way!

The election is finally over! Soooo… now what? 

You may be awaiting results or totally caught up in the projections, and depending on your views, feel elated and hopeful or devastated or disheartened. (Note: I intentionally wrote this early on election day before knowing the outcomes). 

Wherever you land emotionally, know two things: 1) You may need some time to recover, and 2) There is urgent work for you to do. As tempting as it is, don’t get stuck on who won what, or how it came about, or the media hoopla. It is what it is.

Refuel and move into action, into becoming a greater unifying force within your company and community. Our country, our world, our planet needs Amare leaders, now more than ever.  

Will you commit to this?


In my business, I lead with love. I am a powerful force for good. My thoughts, words, and actions uplift myself and others and build connection. My company has no place for hate. I support my people in rejecting fear and standing up against injustice, violence, and divisiveness. We respect and care for one another as part of a larger whole and greater good. 

Signed: ______________________________________ Date: ____________

Five Amare Ways to Do What’s Good for Business

As conscious business leaders, we have a lot of healing work to do.

  1. Recover. Invite your team to take some time to recover. Model it. Convey that doing so shows authenticity and strength, not weakness.
  1. Do something healing. Take an action step provided in this powerful op-ed by my dear friend Neville Billimoria and Peter Druck, just published in The Hill. It’s aptly titled Making America Better and Stronger (No Matter Who Wins).
  1. Remember “why”. Emphasize your company’s higher purpose and remind yourself and your people why you do what you do and how it makes the world a little better.
  1. Call out bad behavior. Set a zero tolerance policy for anti-Amare behavior – lying, bullying, separating, cheating –  with mechanisms for respectfully holding people accountable. 

5. Tell the world!  Label your company as a love-centered company, proudly committed to the Amare Way ABCs – showing up Authentically, creating a strong sense of Belonging together, and Collaborating to bridge differences and solve problems.

Welcoming Stories of Amare Leaders for Next Book!

Do you know of organizations and leaders on this path? I’m seeking more inspiring stories of leaders successfully putting love to work to showcase in the next book in the Amare Way Series, entitled Riding the Amare Wave: Inspired Stories of Leading with Love. Please send me a note to share your ideas (even if you’re not certain they’re a good fit or don’t have a personal connection with the organization).

Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

“A democracy is more than a form of government, it’s a way of living together.”

—John Dewey, American philosopher (modified per Tim Whyte)

Thanks everyone for tuning in to Amare Wave Wednesday! Do YOUR one amare thing today to improve your business and grow the wave! 

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  1. Kathy Fleming


  2. Darrell Atkin

    I can’t recall a better day to have read the Wave Newsletter than today. Thanks.

  3. sikis izle

    Great, thanks for sharing this post. Really looking forward to read more. Shannen Lev Shultz

    • Moshe Engelberg

      Thanks Shannen, glad it hit the spot!