Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

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Moshe’s Blog

Empowering Your Mind: 5 Powerful Techniques to Think More Uplifting Thoughts and Less Diminishing Thoughts 

Your Many Thoughts

Ronnie is preparing to give her most important speech ever. A jumble of thoughts are swirling through her mind at the same time. I’m so excited! What if I mess up? Did I take my morning vitamins? So many thoughts, so quickly.

Consider how many thoughts you think each day, and what you usually think about. Estimates range from 6,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day of waking hours, and far more negative and repetitive thoughts than positive and new thoughts. 

While the thoughts in your mind may seem to have a life of their own, you can choose what thoughts you invite in and nourish. The more attention (aka nourishment) you give particular thoughts, the more frequent and hardened they become, and the more energy they demand. 

The practice of putting love to work, practicing the Amare Way, helps leaders be more self-aware, aligned, and optimistic. The questions and techniques that follow (some modified from author Alan Cohen’s work) can help you be more in charge of your thoughts.

  • Who’s the boss of your thoughts?
  • Are you willing to take charge?

5 Amare Techniques to Think Better Thoughts

1. Observe and count. Set an hourly alarm to prompt you to check your thoughts. Count how many thoughts you recall from the last few minutes, and their nature: steady or jumpy, self or other focused, uplifting or diminishing. 

2. Replace one harmful thought. Identify particular thoughts that show up frequently and really bring down your confidence or energy. Choose one to transform and select a replacement thought. Every time you notice that unhealthy thought, calmly say “no thanks” and summon its replacement.

3. Take a criticism fast. For one full day, refrain from putting any energy into thoughts that are critical of yourself or others. And if they come in unbidden (and they likely will) just notice them and move on – without criticism! 

4. Try fearless thinking. Complete this sentence three times to move away from fear-based thoughts and empower your leadership thinking: If I was not afraid, I would ________. If I was not afraid, I would ________. If I was not afraid, I would ________.

5. Give yourself a break. Remove or turn off distractions. Take five minutes every day to just sit quietly. Simply pay attention to your breathing, in and out. In and out. Let your mind do its thing, as thoughts come and go. Continue this practice daily (until dead!).

Bless yourself with thoughts that support you in being authentic and leading with love. Make friends with positive thinking by choosing where you put your mental energy. It will make you a more effective and happier leader. Enjoy.

Choosing to be a love-powered leader

You are invited to join the Amare Wave and empower yourself to put love to work in your own way. Contact me and I’ll connect you with resources to support you.

Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

“Except our own thoughts, there is nothing absolutely in our power.”

―Rene Descartes, 17th century philosopher


Acknowledgements: The work of Alan Cohen in his book, I Had It All the Time: When Self-improvement Gives Way to Ecstasy. The stories that often begin these newsletters come from my experiences and imagination.


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