Moshe’s Blog
The Power of Discernment to Make Business Better
How Discernment Improves Business with Love Some of us misunderstand love. We think it involves unconditional acceptance of everything and everyone, like a giant group hug. The reality is that love in business, as in life, requires discernment.As a business leader,...
6 Simple Steps to Improve Your Business Today
The Amare Wave Wednesday newsletter is designed to inspire you to do one small thing today that improves your business by putting love to work. Here are 6 top tips for a wide range of situations, selected for you from past newsletters. Check...
The Power of Your Words to Heal or Hurt at Work
Your Words Are Sooo Powerful! Do you know your words have enormous impact? In business and life, warlike language is so common, we sometimes don’t even notice it: crushing competitors, capturing customers, conquering markets. This language fuels...
Improve Business With… Miracles? Yes, Miracles.
Do You Believe in Miracles? We need to do the work to heal our world in this very tumultuous time. And at the same time, we can make space for miracles, large and small. We’ve all experienced wonderful things in business and life that we just can’t explain with logic...
“Us” vs “Them”: When Our Values and Actions Clash
The racism underlying today’s civil unrest begs the question: What enables us to do these things in life and business that are in direct opposition to our stated values? One answer is moral disengagement. Social psychology recognizes many forms of moral...
Because What You Do Matters
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