by Moshe Engelberg | Amare Wave Wednesday
Picture this: A seasoned chief detective hands off a critical surveillance operation to a junior assistant. With a steady gaze and an encouraging nod, the chief says, “Keep me posted.” It’s simple, clear, and—most importantly—trusting. In that moment, the chief... by Moshe Engelberg | Amare Wave Wednesday
During a speech by Wes Jackson, a visionary leader in sustainable agriculture and co-founder of The Land Institute, someone in the audience asked, “What can we do to solve all these big, overwhelming problems you’ve described?” Without missing a beat, Wes replied,... by Moshe Engelberg | Amare Wave Wednesday
My musician friend Ken Bernstein told this story about a heartfelt holiday party discussion. One by one, people shared their aspirations for the coming year, and a theme emerged: “Let the light shine through me.” The Holiday Party Insight This simple... by Moshe Engelberg | Amare Wave Wednesday
Ever notice how it’s not the grand gestures that keep relationships strong but the small, consistent acts of caring? As a leader, you don’t need grand heroics to build a strong team. It’s the little things you do often that make the biggest difference. Based on... by Moshe Engelberg | Amare Wave Wednesday
Let’s face it: as a leader, it’s easy to default to command and control, swooping in like a superhero to save the day (cape optional!). The truth is, the most impactful leaders know when to step back and make room for others to step in. Be a Boss of Restraint...