Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

Moshe's blog

Moshe’s Blog

5 Steps To Being A Better Leader That May Surprise You: They All Start With Being A Better Person

Be a Better Person & a Better Leader

“I’ve gotten so much better this year at planning ahead and getting things done,” Francis affirmed, as she reflected on her 2022 leadership goals. Increasing her productivity was Francis’s way of becoming a more effective leader. In terms of self-improvement, she was on the path of doing, which is important for all leaders – and not the only path.

In my work as an executive coach, I see the most growth in the leaders that go beyond doing to also improve on how they are being. It’s tough for some, because there aren’t the same familiar productivity processes and metrics. 

And, the being path is incredibly impactful because you work on how you show up, what energy you carry, and your degree of self-awareness. These fundamental aspects of who you are as a person deeply affect your leadership effectiveness. 

  • Are you the person you want to be? 
  • What might you want to improve that is not about “doing?”
  • Do you believe working on how you are being can transform how you lead?

5 Amare Ways to Improve as a Person and Leader 

1. Check in with yourself about yourself. Take two minutes right now and really reflect – without judgment – on who you are as a person, on how you are being. Now consider how that aligns with who and how you want to be as a person and as a leader. 

2. Consider one “better person” improvement. Fill in this blank with a “being” answer: I will become a better person by being _____________. Being responses include things like being more compassionate, being kinder to yourself, being authentically you, etc. Learn more in this free Master class by Marshall Goldsmith and me.

3. Commit and take action. Paradoxically, being often requires doing too. Choose three actions that support your selected self-improvement. Some of these actions can be internally directed, like choosing what your thoughts are and what you say to yourself, and taking time for quiet reflection.

4. Dare to get feedback. Tell your colleagues what you’re working on to be a better person and leader, and that you’ll ask them for feedback on your progress periodically. Make it safe for them to tell the truth.

5. Work on your self-awareness. Check out the dozens of “mirror” self-assessment exercises throughout my book The Amare Wave (also compiled in chapter 11). Get to know yourself better and actively choose the kind of person you want to be. 

Nothing will transform your leadership more than the kind of person you are, which is deeply rooted in your state of being. As you consider goals for 2023, invest not just in your “doing” goals, but also in your “being.” It’s a great way to show up as a love-powered amare leader, and the only way for you to bring all you’ve got to the table.

Free Master Class with Moshe & Marshall Goldsmith!

I got together with famed executive coach and author Marshall Goldsmith for a lively conversation about how and why to put love to work in business. The result is now a unique Master Class, and it’s free. Watch the first episode here.

Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

“There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that’s your own self.” 

—Aldous Huxley


Acknowledgements: The stories that often begin these newsletters come from my actual experiences or a juicy mix of my experiences and imagination.


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