Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

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Moshe’s Blog

5 Steps to Get Your Team Solidly on Board When You Need to Make A Really Big Investment Decision

Making the Big Decision with Your Team Committed

“This will be the biggest investment decision we’ve ever made,” Shannon asserted. “How do I get my team fully committed?” I’ve coached many executives facing this kind of challenge and it always boils down to three things: principles, alignment, and engagement. Or in other words, who you are, where you’re going, and why you care.

From the perspective of love-powered leadership, here are three questions to consider, plus five ‘how-to’ tips, to help you and your team get to clarity as you make the really important decisions together.

  • In terms of principles, what is the constant that guides your decisions?
  • How clear are you on your vision and your strategy to achieve it?
  • Does your culture expect and empower people to be fully engaged in big decisions?

5 Amare Ways to Make Big Decisions Together with Your Team

1. Get grounded in your principles. Identify the main principles that guide your decisions and priorities. Reverse engineer your way to them if need be. Post them where you will see them often. Consider the seven Amare Way principles in this free e-book.

2. Connect the dots. Work backwards from your organizational vision to your overarching strategy to the investment decision in front of you now. Share this narrative with your team to make the case for the importance of their engagement on the big decision.

3. Know what you want. Be really clear about what it is you want in this situation: for you, for the team, and for the organization as a whole. Now turn that into an empowering request with as much specificity as you can. Make sure you’re clear about what’s in it for them too.

4.Establish your non-negotiables. Some options and reasons will be unacceptable no matter what. Communicate those boundaries and how they align with the guiding principles, values, and vision.

5. And if you don’t know. You may not be clear about your vision or guiding principles, etc. That’s okay. Let this investment decision be an opportunity to get clear and committed, once and for all.

There will always be risks and multiple perspectives to consider in any major investment decision. For leaders, these are moments when you need to take a clear stand – with your leadership team solidly behind you. To pave the way, know who you are as an organization, where you’re going, and why people should care.

Strong Start Coaching: Get Super Clear on Your Leadership Principles

Many of us need help clearly articulating our leadership philosophy. In my new “Strong Start” coaching program, I help good leaders do just that, quickly and efficiently, and infused with the uplifting energy of Amare. Contact me if this speaks to you.


Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

A team is not a group of people who work together. A team is a group of people who trust each other.

—Simon Sinek


Click here and read more Amare Wave Wednesday newsletters on related topics:

“I Don’t Know What to Do!” 7 Tools to Help Young Leaders Move From Indecision to Decision.

How to Make Decisions Based on Your Committed Principles – Especially When You’re Busy, Stressed, or Scared

The Incredible $3 Billion Love-Powered Leadership Decision: How We Can All Be So Inspired

Grow Your Super Power! Five Ways to Develop Your Internal Guidance System and Make Better Decisions

Balanced Decision-Making: Five Steps to “Makes Sense” and “Feels Right”


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