Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

Moshe's blog

Moshe’s Blog

5 Amare Tips to Delegate with Accountability

Picture this: A seasoned chief detective hands off a critical surveillance operation to a junior assistant. With a steady gaze and an encouraging nod, the chief says, “Keep me posted.” 

It’s simple, clear, and—most importantly—trusting. In that moment, the chief demonstrates a leadership skill as sharp as any CEO’s intuition: delegating with trust while ensuring accountability (and no hovering!)

Effectively delegating isn’t dumping tasks and disappearing; it’s empowering others while ensuring they have clarity, support, and accountability (pro tip: make explicit “By when” dates your new best friend!). Then add a structure like RACI–Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed–and suddenly, everyone knows their role and how and when to deliver—no guessing needed.

But What Will People Think About Me?!

You might worry that adding a “By when” or using tools like RACI will seem too controlling or make people think you don’t trust them. Or maybe you fear it will make you less likable. 

Here’s the truth: clarity builds trust and respect. When everyone knows what’s expected and when, it reduces uncertainty and fosters confidence in the process. Trust is the secret sauce that makes delegation work.

  • How do you balance trust and accountability when delegating tasks?

  • When you delegate, do you include a “By when” date to ensure clarity and follow-through?

  • Are you using a system like RACI to clarify roles and responsibilities?

5 Amare Tips to Delegate More Effectively

1. Be clear and concise. When delegating, define the task, the desired outcome, and a specific deadline. Ambiguity is the enemy of accountability.

2. Use “By when” liberally. Always include a specific time for follow-up or completion. It keeps everyone aligned and prevents tasks from slipping through the cracks.

3. Clarify roles with RACI. Use a framework like RACI to ensure everyone knows who’s doing what. It reduces confusion and empowers action.

4. Trust and verify. Show trust by letting your team own their tasks. Stay engaged enough to provide support and guidance when needed.

5. Celebrate and recalibrate. Recognize efforts and successes, and adjust processes as you go to improve delegation and accountability.

Lead With Trust, Follow Up With Care

Delegating without abdicating or controlling is walking the fine line between trust and oversight. It’s how you equip your team to succeed while ensuring clarity and follow-up. A simple addition like “By when?” or a tool like RACI can transform delegation from a guessing game into a winning strategy.

Saying, “Keep me posted,” isn’t a throwaway line. It’s shorthand for, “I trust you to own this, but I’ll stay engaged to support and guide as needed.” When you delegate effectively, you cultivate a culture of empowerment and accountability. So, the next time you say, “Keep me posted,” make sure it’s backed by clarity, care, and the confidence that your team will rise to the challenge.

Trust is the foundation, and clarity and follow-up are the pillars that support it. When done right, this approach strengthens collaboration, accountability, and results—the trifecta of love-powered leadership.

Do You Feel Called to Improve as a Leader?

Are you willing to be all you can be as a leader? Consider starting 2025 with the gift of professional coaching. I have an opening in my Strong Start Leadership Coaching Program at the moment. Contact me for more info.


Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

Trust is the glue of life. It’s the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It’s the foundational principle that holds all relationships. 

—Stephen Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Acknowledgments: Deep appreciation to filmmaker extraordinaire Michael Johnson for envisioning and producing Prairie Prophecy about Wes Jackson’s work (including the story at the top of this newsletter)  in a moving documentary that will be airing in 2025. More on Wes here.


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Making Trust and Accountability Your Leadership Superpowers

How Clear Expectations and Accountability Fuel Organizational Success: Start With These 6 Steps

Connecting Before Correcting: 7 Amare Techniques for Successful Leaders to Build Trust and Better Solve Problems

Coaching Your Team for Leadership Development: The Power of “We” Mentality

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