Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

Moshe's blog

Moshe’s Blog

Your Outer Environment and Your Inner State: Four Simple Steps to Improve and Connect Inside and Out

Outside You, Inside You

Great music is playing. The sun is shining, water fountains are flowing. Beauty is all around. That’s my outer environment right now. On the inside, I am lit up, happy, and powerfully inspired! Smile on my face. Heart wide open. This kind of  inner/outer coherence brings out my best as a leader and as a human being, as it does for many of us.

It’s wonderful when you can create an outer environment that inspires you and brings out your best. And in business, you can’t always do that. However, what you always can do is manage your inner state — that is always a choice. Not an easy one. It takes practice and dedication. Creating an optimal outer environment and being in charge of your inner state are keys to being an Amare (love-based) leader. And Amare leadership is exactly what our world needs right now. 

  • Is your outer environment optimized (to the extent you can) for your well-being? 
  • Are you willing to commit to optimizing your inner environment, no matter what?
  • If yes, will you take action on it right now?

4 Amare Steps to Improving Your Inner and Outer Environments

1. Improve your outer environment in two minutes. Pretend you are stepping into your work space for the first time. Notice what makes you smile. What tightens you up. Identify three simple and quick things you can do to increase the smiling and loosen the tightening. Do them right now.

2. Improve your inner environment in two minutes. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath. Tighten all your muscles and hold for a count of three, then release. Repeat three times. Take three more deep breaths. Smile.

3. Commit to 1% daily improvement. Make a promise to yourself to take five minutes a day to improve your inner and outer environments. Put it in writing and post it. Keep track of what you do. Ask someone to be an accountability partner and check on your progress daily. 

4. Make it a company thing. Ask your people to identify one little thing they can do, and one you as a leader can do, to optimize their outer environment. Think sight, sound, taste. Think of energy moving or stuck. Consider what will work in both virtual and physical environments. 

Do what is in your power to make your own outer environment, and the company environment, as conducive as possible to happiness and productivity. At the same time, work diligently on your inner environment. No one controls that but you.

What Topics Would You Like in Future Amare Wave Wednesdays?

My intent with these newsletters is to inspire leaders like you to be different, think different, and to do different – every week putting the power of love to work. Let me know here what specific topic(s) you’d like me to cover.


Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.”

―Edith Wharton, novelist and winner of Pulitzer Prize


Acknowledgements: Gratitude to Casey and Anke at Temple of Joy for creating such a beautifully coherent outer environment for guests that so naturally uplifts our inner states.


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