Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

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Moshe’s Blog

You Are Powerful

We all want and need power. It is how we influence. In business, power takes various forms, some positive, some negative. Leaders and companies that influence people with the uplifting and connecting energy of love don’t require fear or coercion.

With love, they also empower and trust others, spreading the capacity to influence. Much more on this in the chapter about collaboration in my book The Amare Wave.

  1. What first comes to mind when you hear the word, power?
  2. Are you as powerful as you want to be?
  3. Do you use your power wisely?
  4. Do you empower coworkers and customers?
  5. Do you let power get to your head?

3 Ways to Grow Your Power with the Energy of Love

Amare leaders know power focuses and aligns their energy. They also know the harm done by both the absence and the abuse of power. And they are clear that the most effective source of power is intrinsic, coming from within.

1. Power your purpose. Choose to believe you are here for a purpose – even if you’re not certain what it is. As you discover and align with it, you will feel your capacity to influence (i.e. power) increase greatly.

2. Power your connections. If you have influence in your work world, share it. Help others to see and appropriately exercise their power, even if it takes the spotlight off you.

3. Power your voice. It’s one thing to know. But knowledge unexpressed does nothing. Gain power by expressing and owning what you know to be true, without judgement or insistence on agreement.

Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

“Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.” —Abraham Lincoln

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