Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

Moshe's blog

Moshe’s Blog

Why Business Exists: 5 Ways to Get Clear

Ask Yourself: Why Does Business Exist?

Do you ever stop and wonder why business exists? Most people don’t. They just focus on “doing” business. Shifting to a conscious, love-based, amare paradigm requires you answer. 

When I ask executives, the answers are typically about the economy or the mechanics of commerce. When I ask students, the answers are far more often about making a positive difference in the world. 

The Amare Way sees business as a social enterprise that exists to  make life better for people by meeting important needs. That’s how business provides value to society and why Amare businesses prosper.

  • What is your take on why business exists?
  • What would it take for your organization to see itself first and foremost as a social enterprise?
  • How do you connect the purpose of business with the purpose of your business?

5 Amare Ways to Appreciate Why Business Exists

1. Write your answer now. Why does business exist? Notice your reaction to both the question and your answer. If you like, choose a better feeling answer and see what happens. 

2. Gain some altitude. Imagine for a moment that business does exist to make life better for people. Now imagine as a leader, what would you say to yourself and to your people about that. 

3. Put money in its place. You know making money is an essential  byproduct of business, but not its purpose. Consider reframing how you think about, talk about, and use the energy of money in your organization. 

4. Go to why your business exists. State clearly and concisely your why, as in “We exist so that…” Refine and repeat until it rings true and feels important. 

5. List the benefits. Take five minutes to list how the reason your business exists creates value for you, your company, and the world, like improved self-esteem, greater well-being, positive brand recognition, lasting relationships, etc.

Be an Amare Ambassador On My New Amare Podcast!

Please share your views on business and experiences putting love to work in your organization. Contact me now about appearing on my new Amare Leadership Podcast.    

Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

“American business needs a lifting purpose greater than the struggle of materialism.”

 ―Herbert Hoover


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