Who Motivates the Motivator?
As an Amare leader, you are a motivator. The very definition of amare – energy that uplifts and connects – presumes inspiration and motivation. It’s a crucial part of your job – and it includes keeping yourself motivated.
But we all have times when we are down. If you don’t feel inspiration or motivation within you, how can you effectively motivate others? You can’t. So consider how you handle your own motivation:
- What’s your response to feeling unmotivated?
- What or who is your “go-to” for motivation and inspiration?
- Do you know how to find motivation within?
Six Amare Techniques to Get and Keep Yourself Motivated!
- Try acceptance first. Give yourself a break and sit with the frustration, confusion, or sadness – whatever is blocking your motivation. Acceptance makes space for inspiration.
- Just do it – maybe. Try taking action – the first little step – to generate motivation that can then sustain the action. But don’t force it. If inspiration and positive energy don’t come, be kind to yourself and call on patience.
- Instant uplifts! List three “go-to” people or resources that instantly uplift you. Think broadly – a funny photo, your first dollar, a personal hero, your favorite poem, etc. Put it on your cell phone, computer, and wall – so it’s super-easy to access.
- Make motivation a company thing. Create a shared “motivation vault” with quotes, pics, and stories – including ones about your organization. Tap into the vault when starting your day, launching meetings, having company events, etc. so people get used to using it.
- Fill your “motivation account” daily. Make a practice of taking two minutes for inspiration every morning and end of day – enjoy your favorite quotes, songs, etc. Notice what messages motivate you.
- Build resilience. Create habits that keep you uplifted and motivated throughout your day and life – a daily meditation practice, vigorous exercise – the things you know make a difference.
Want Motivation? Read The Amare Wave!
I’ve been writing Amare Wave Wednesday for almost a year. I’d love to know what serves you, what you like, and how I can improve it to best support you and grow the wave. Please reach me here.
Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote
“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.”
―Zig Ziglar
Thanks everyone for tuning in to Amare Wave Wednesday! Do YOUR one amare thing today to improve your business and grow the wave!
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With Amare,
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