Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

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Moshe’s Blog

What Success Really Looks Like: 4 Amare Steps to Getting it Right

What Success Looks Like to Great Leaders

“What does success look like to you?” I asked executives at a workshop I led recently on love-powered leadership. Their responses were profound: living authentically, growth, fulfillment, learning with purpose, curiosity and compassion, being who you are, leaving the world a better place–to name just a few! 

Most of their success indicators were about being, not doing, which is great. Usually, I hear things like year-over-year growth, market share, and other financial metrics. Ideally, you’ll have a mix of both, with far more of the former. 

In my experience coaching executives and their teams, the most effective leaders put their greatest emphasis on 1) everyone being their best, 2) the process of growth, 3) aligning words and actions, and 4) maximizing the value of the experiences their organization creates. They know that when they get those four things right, the money will naturally follow as a critically important by-product of success on these other indicators.

  • What does success look like to you?
  • What KPIs do you explicitly value and honor?
  • How do you connect who you are being as a leader with what your organization accomplishes?

4 Amare Steps to Get Your Success Metrics Right

1. Assess how you and your team view “success.” Huddle with your leadership team about what success looks like. Have everyone write down their own answers first. Then listen to what is and is not listed. Discuss what that says about your organization’s purpose and priorities.

2. Explore other possibilities for success. Come up with 10 other potential success indicators, considering these 5Ps–purpose, people, process, products, and profit. Now for each indicator,  imagine what your organization would be like if it was a KPI.

3. Make choices and then empower those choices. Select five indicators of success that, taken together, represent who you really want to be as a leader and organization. Now determine how to implement, track, and reward them. 

4. Be sure you are aligned, too. Write down your top dreams and aspirations as a leader. Check and see if they are reflected in your organization’s success priorities. If they’re not, re-evaluate.

In our still dominant money-centric and warlike business paradigm, it takes great courage and skill for executives to prioritize and integrate  other success indicators. It is totally doable, though not easy.

Take the risk and be that leader, knowing that doing so is also your best route to long-term financial health. Then, make those successes really matter.

Inspire and Influence Your Teams to Put the Power of Love to Work

Become the best leader you can possibly be. Consider the help of a top-notch leadership coach. Contact me for more info and plenty of free resources. The world needs you, needs us all, to step up into leading with the energy of love.


Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

“What is honored in a company is cultivated there.”

―Moshe Engelberg, The Amare Wave: Uplift Your Business by Putting Love to Work


Acknowledgements: Plato, whose maxim “What is honored in a country is cultivated there” inspired this week’s quote. 


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