Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

Moshe's blog

Moshe’s Blog

What is “Good for Business”

As a business leader during this very high profile election season, you no doubt have considered which politicians and policies are good for business. And your vote presumably is influenced by those considerations. Notice your reactions and insights from answering this question:

Conscious decision-making requires being honest about what “good for business” means to you. Many executives are trapped by the lie that business is only about money, and they vote accordingly. Amare leaders know that a) their companies exist to improve people’s lives –  for that’s how businesses provide value to society; and b) making money – ideally a lot of money – is a crucial by-product of being in business, but never the purpose. So what is good for business accomplishes both those goals, and over the long term.

Four Amare Ways to Do What’s Good for Business

  1. Wonder for a minute.  Ask your team, why does business exist? Then, why does your business exist? These are really important mission-critical questions that we often forget to ask and can profoundly shape organizational culture.
  1. Create a manifesto. Codify your reason for existing, your amare-ness, and what you mean by “good for business” into an inspiring manifesto. Call on it to guide your decisions and show that, as a leader, you walk your talk. This will also help you build and reward an Amare culture. 
  1. Respect money, don’t worship it. Financial abundance is a natural and healthy desire, and fully aligned with riding the Amare Wave. Be clear that making money is an essential part of your business, but don’t let money be everything, or let its pursuit cloud your perceptions and compromise your values.
  1. Just imagine. In this week before the election, let yourself imagine. Imagine business as a unifying influence, not a divisive one. Imagine that what is good for business is good for people and society. Imagine that business leaders make decisions based on what serves all their stakeholders over the long-term.

Helping You Be Good for Business

Yes! You can imagine and manifest a business world where love is the driving force, create a love-based company manifesto, fix your relationship with money, etc. Check out my book The Amare Wave for more. And contact me to set up an initial complimentary consulting session.

Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

“What is good for business is also good for people and society; therefore, politicians who are truly “good for business” are good for society too.”

Moshe Engelberg, The Amare Wave

Thanks everyone for tuning in to Amare Wave Wednesday! Do YOUR one amare thing today to improve your business and grow the wave!

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1 Comment

  1. Kathy Fleming

    Another home run! Brilliant. I also include good for the planet in what’s good for society. How about you?


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