Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

Moshe's blog

Moshe’s Blog

What If “Giving Tuesday” Was Every Day?

“GivingTuesday is a global generosity movement unleashing the power of people and organizations to transform their communities and the world on December 3, 2019 and every day.”  –

I like the “every day” part. Imagine that generous giving and collaborating is a daily practice for every business. Authentically giving, creating a sense of unity and belonging, and actively collaborating – these practices are the essence of Giving Tuesday. They are also the ABCs of the “Amare Way” – Authenticity, Belonging, & Collaboration – in my book The Amare Wave: Uplifting Business by Putting Love to Work.

The good news is more and more organizations are on this path. In stark counterpoint to all the greed, inauthenticity, and fear that is driving so many businesses (at least on most days of the year!), there is a steady emergence of heart-centered individuals, organizations & communities committed to a living from a deeper place of being, where love – not fear – is the prime driver, and elevating humanity is the purpose.

Is this movement that is putting the power of love to work for you? Here are three questions to help you find out.

  • This movement is for you – if you’re tired of the fighting nature of business, the ethical compromises it requires, the emptiness you feel at times, and the suffering it causes.
  • This movement is for you – if you are yearning for real substance and significance, with a ravenous hunger for better ways to define success in life and in business, as well as a deep thirst for authentic connection and belonging.
  • This movement is for you – if you know something is off, even if you don’t know what it is- and deep inside you wonder if there is a better way, with greater satisfaction and a different way to prosper.

If you said YES to any of these, know that you’re not alone. More and more of us – individuals and organizations – are saying enough is enough! We can be “giving” every day in business, and prosper even more.

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