Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

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Moshe’s Blog

What Feeds Your Soul as a Leader? 8 Ways to Embrace Your Passion & Radiate Your Light

Are you ready to truly chart your own path forward, to do it your way? For visionary leaders, nothing captures this spirit better than Alexia Chellun’s heartfelt ballad, I’m Ready.

In this song, she beautifully conveys the essence of living and leading authentically, posing deep, soul-searching questions like: “What is the thing that brings you to life? What is the thing that lights your light up? What is the thing that makes you feel great?” These questions aren’t just poetic musings—they’re an invitation to dive into what feeds your soul and makes you feel whole. 

Dive Into What Inspires You

In a world filled with expectations and norms, choosing to do things your way can be both liberating and daunting. The journey begins with self-awareness, the ability to tune into your inner guidance and understand what truly resonates with you. This is not about hobbies or interests—it’s about embracing that which is vital to your well-being, your spirit, and your leadership.

Authenticity is the key to unlocking this inner wisdom. It requires peeling back the layers of societal expectations to see and reveal your true self. With practice and coaching, you can learn what makes you come alive as a leader. 

Then you can prioritize those activities, the ones that make time stand still, where hours feel like minutes because you’re so deeply engaged. This is how you align with your true purpose and lead from your passion and genius.

  • When was the last time you felt truly alive? Think of a moment when you were completely absorbed in what you were doing, and let that memory guide your future choices.

  • What makes your heart feel full? Reflect on the activities or interactions that leave you feeling deeply satisfied and at peace.

  • What are you holding back from exploring? Consider the dreams or passions you’ve been hesitant to pursue and ask yourself why.

8 Amare Action Steps to Shine Your Light as an Authentic Leader

1. Identify your passions. Reflect on what activities or topics make you lose track of time. Journal about these and explore how they can play a larger role in your life.

2. Create space for what you love. Carve out time each week to engage in the activities that bring you joy and fulfillment, even if it’s just for a few minutes.

3. Embrace the flow. Notice when you’re in the zone and take note of what got you there. Make it a priority to experience this flow regularly.

4. Share your journey. Open up to someone you trust about what lights you up. Sharing your passions can deepen your commitment to them.

5. Celebrate small wins. Acknowledge every step you take towards embracing your true self. Each moment of alignment is a victory and worthy of your gratitude.

6. Tune into your intuition. Practice listening to your inner voice. Whether through meditation, journaling, or quiet reflection, allow your intuition to guide your decisions.

7. Set boundaries. Protect your time and energy by saying no to things that drain you or don’t align with your passions.

8. Incorporate passion into leadership. Find ways to bring what lights you up into your leadership style. Passionate leaders inspire others.

The Power of Living in Your Light

Remember, life is too short to wear boring socks—or to live someone else’s dream. So go ahead and march to the beat of your own drum, even if that drum is a little offbeat. It takes courage to be creative and to express your true self, but that’s where the magic happens! 

When you live and lead from a place that resonates with your true passions, you’re not just more fulfilled—you’re more effective, inspiring, and aligned with your purpose. This is what it means to lead the Amare Way, where love, passion, and purpose guide every decision and interaction. 

The world needs your light! Embrace what makes you come alive, and let it guide your leadership and your life. Keep radiating love and light in all that you do, and don’t forget to dance a little along the way. After all, the world needs your unique rhythm!

Lead with the Best Version of You & Your Team

I coach and advise executives and leadership teams on identifying and being the best version of themselves, through the Amare Way of love-powered leadership. If this stirs something within you, please listen. For more information, contact me here.


Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

“Your work is to discover your world and then with all your heart give yourself to it.”

— Buddha


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