Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

Moshe's blog

Moshe’s Blog

What Do You Want? 5 Ways to Get Really Clear

Knowing & Owning What You Want

Happiness, fulfillment, money, peace, freedom, love, joy. These are some of the big things most people say they want in life that also serve a greater good. What’s important is to make them real. 

Imagine exactly what is going on in your work and life when you have lots of happiness. Or money. Or love. Imagine it with all your senses – what you see, hear, feel, etc. Own it. This will help you get clear about what matters most to you as you prepare for the new year.

  • What do you want?
  • What would change if you have what you want?
  • What would change if you want what you have?

5 Amare Ways to Know & Get What You Want

1. Ask until you know. What do I want? What do I want? What do I want? Keep asking yourself until you unabashedly know what you want on a deep soul level. Doublecheck that it’s not what you “should” want.

2. Clarify your purpose. Now say what you want, and add “so that…” several times to get clear on why it’s so important and what it may do for you and the world.

3. Want vs. need. Notice when you use the word “need” to justify a want. Needs are the essentials. Wants may include needs and go beyond them. Make a list of both wants and needs and be honest about what goes where.

4. Imagine you have it. Close your eyes and see what you most want manifest itself in your life. Make it as real as you can. Notice if you feel uplifted and connected, what I call “amare” or love. Notice too if you feel scared of such success, and get support to work through it if you do.

5. Connect desire with action. List five things you can do to bring more of what you most want into your work and life. Keep growing the list and add one to your “to do” list every week for 2021. Will you?

Be a Connected, Fulfilled, Heart-Centered Leader

Do you want to be more heart-centered and fulfilled in your leadership? More connected with yourself and your highest good? Start 2022 with the gift of professional coaching. Contact me for more info.

Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

“The great secret of getting what you want from life is to know what you want and believe you can have it.” 

—Norman Vincent Peale, Minister & Author, The Power of Positive Thinking


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