Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

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Moshe’s Blog

Thriving Even When the World is Upside Down: A Guide to Personal Resilience for Today’s Leaders

Steady Leadership in Unsteady Times

“That must be so hard,” most people say when I share about the profound health challenges of someone I love deeply. My response these days is that, yes it is really hard–when I let it be. I don’t mean that to sound cold or cavalier, quite the opposite in fact. It is the choice to both be engaged and not suffer; to be okay inside even when people or situations around me are not okay. It’s a challenging practice indeed. Bigger picture, the message is that you can be okay within–and it is good and healthy–even when the world around you is very much not okay. 

I coach excellent leaders, who like most, are impacted by both global turmoil and significant business challenges–wars, economic downturns, societal divides, and market instabilities. A fundamental part of our work together is to develop practices that build resiliency and help them be their best–without suffering or being attached to the outcomes. It is the practice of a lifetime; being okay on the inside when the world outside is deeply distressed and you feel caught in a whirlwind of external pressures and uncertainties. Consider:

  • What anchors you? Reflect on what gives you stability and clarity in times of turmoil.
  • How do your reactions affect your team? Consider the impact of your emotional and mental state on those you lead.
  • Where can you find growth in this challenge? Identify opportunities for personal and professional development amidst difficulties.

10 Amare Action Steps to Stay Centered & Lead Effectively When the World is Upside Down

1. Get yourself permission to be okay. First ask yourself what it means if you choose to be okay within, even in the midst of external strife and uncertainty. Next, ask yourself what benefit is created by you suffering when the world seems upside down. Then choose your path. 

2. Accept pain, release suffering. Notice what is really happening in business and the world, however painful. Now notice the stories you are making up that make it much worse. Without judgment, choose to put your focus on what is and what actions you can take. Release the stories of suffering. 

3. Develop a “Resilience Ritual.” List 5 situations that challenge your ability to stay centered and clear. Every day, choose one and spend 5 minutes visualizing how you’ll withstand or recover quickly in the worst-case scenario, staying centered as you do so. Repeat often. 

4. Cultivate a support network. Build a network of peers, mentors, or a professional support group who can support your choice to be okay when the world is not. Regularly engage with this network to share experiences, seek advice, and offer support. 

5. Embrace adaptive planning. Conduct bi-weekly strategy sessions with your leadership team to review your current KPIs, discuss emerging trends, and explore how you would pivot quickly and not panic in response to changing external forces.

6. Foster team resilience. Implement regular team check-ins focused on emotional and mental well-being, not just work progress. Consider bringing in a professional coach for workshops on authenticity, resilience, and courageous conversations.

7. Apply “just in time” stress management techniques. Learn instant stress management techniques like deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, or mindfulness meditation. Apply these techniques during high-stress moments to maintain your composure.

8. Nurture your creativity. Engage in creative activities unrelated to work, like painting, writing, or playing a musical instrument. This will help you maintain a balanced and healthy mindset amidst severe business pressures.

9. Remember your purpose. Write it, speak it, share it often. You must remember who you are, why you are here, and the greater good that your organization serves. Bring this commitment into your awareness when things get tough.

10. Practice gratitude. Start and end your day by listing 3 things you’re grateful for. This will shift your focus from external challenges to positive aspects of your life, fostering a more balanced perspective.

For you as a leader, the challenge isn’t just about weathering storms—it’s about learning to remain unshaken while everything around you seems upside down so you can lead effectively. The 10 steps above will help you build your resilience and maintain your composure during the most challenging times.

Remember that your business is much more than an economic engine. It can be a beacon of hope and an agent of change. In times of global distress, your actions as a business leader can offer direction, comfort, and inspiration. You have the power to not only navigate these challenges but also to contribute to healing and uniting our communities. 

What is happening in business and the world may be beyond your control, but your response to it isn’t. The key lies in cultivating an inner equilibrium—a state of mental and emotional steadiness that allows you to think clearly, act decisively, and lead compassionately, regardless of external circumstances. And it starts with you being okay, even when the world is not.

Keynotes that Bring Out the Best in Your Organization

I do powerful keynotes and custom workshops rooted in the Amare Way of love-powered leadership that supports transformational changes. For more info, contact me here.


Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

“Inner peace begins the moment you choose not to allow another person or event to control your emotions.”



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