Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

Moshe's blog

Moshe’s Blog

Three Simple Techniques to Quit Being So Damn Busy at Work

The Payoff For Being So Busy

Are you so busy with meetings and emails that you can’t focus on what really needs your attention? It’s one of the chief complaints of many of the executives I coach: “I’m so busy I can’t get anything important done!” And according to a new Stanford study on “Zoom fatigue,” video meetings have exacerbated the problem. 

As frustrating and exhausting it is to be so busy, there is a payoff too. Otherwise you wouldn’t keep doing it, right? The payoff may not be healthy, but it does meet some need. For example, the payoff may be about fitting in and playing it safe, or avoiding deeper work and being your best. Once you identify the payoff, you can choose to keep it going or switch things up.

  • What do you associate with being super-busy?
  • How does being busy relate to your self-worth? 
  • What might happen if you got un-busy?

Three Amare Techniques to Deal with Crazy Busy

There are a ton of resources for managing schedules, tasks, and meetings. These three are a little different, and all highly effective. 

1. Change Your Inside. Whether or notw your business establishes different norms around busy-ness, you can control your internal reactions. Choose an attitude that is authentic, lets you give your best, and protects your energy. Not easy, but very powerful.

2. Not 60 Minutes. There’s nothing magical about having meetings take an hour. Make your meetings 50 minutes (like college classes!) so you have time to absorb what you just finished and transition to what’s next. During the break, just sit and do nothing – even for a couple minutes.

3. Know What’s Important. Make a very short list of the three things that are most important for you to focus on. As a leader, they will likely include both long-term and more immediate needs. Plug in non-negotiable time every week for these priorities.

Amp Up Your Leadership Skills!

Many of us need help articulating the wisdom we have garnered over the years, and need support to consistently apply that wisdom in business and life. In my coaching, I help good leaders do just that, infused with the uplifting energy of Amare. Contact me if this speaks to you.

Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

“It is not enough to be busy. So are the ants. The question is: What are we busy about?”

―Henry David Thoreau

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With Amare,


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