Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

Moshe's blog

Moshe’s Blog

Three Pillars for Making Truth The Way You Lead

Make Truth Part of Your Leadership DNA

Improving business by putting love to work does not mean being nice. It means being authentic and truthful, acting on the truth, and making sure what you believe, say, and do, are all in alignment. That’s how to build trust, which is a cornerstone of successful leadership.

To support you, this issue is a compilation of several past Amare Wave Wednesday newsletters about making truth a core business practice. Click on any of the links below to read the full issues and get lots of practical ‘how to’ tips. 

1. Make Truth the Norm in Your Work. Learn to discern truth. It has a different quality than convention and ego. Act on the truth, even if you don’t like what it is. Make telling the truth a non-negotiable in your organization (read more…)

2. Put Love to Work with Discernment. Practice discernment with little inconsequential things. Check alignment by asking yourself how each option aligns with your values. Accept the answer, even if you don’t like it (read more…)

3. Surrender for Greater Power. Know when to persist and when to surrender, and how to be strong enough to surrender. Develop the four Amare leadership traits – discernment, trust, honesty, and courage (read more…)

Take the Next Step as an Amare Leader

Putting love to work does improve profits and productivity.  Email me to set up a call – no obligation, and we’ll quickly co-create 3 “amare” ideas you can apply right away to start increasing your wealth and happiness.    

Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

“Be sure you put your feet in the right place. Then stand firm.” 

―Abraham Lincoln


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