Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

Moshe's blog

Moshe’s Blog

The Truth about Love-Powered Leadership in the Often Brutal World of Business

The Blunt Reality of Love in Business

“In the harsh and often brutal world of business, can love really make a difference?” I asked myself this morning when listening to a podcast about the Dalai Lama’s recipe for happiness. 

The answer is a resounding yes. Twenty-five years into a successful career as a consultant, I had the epiphany that business was missing love. In short order, I found that love-powered organizations perform better than their competitors, often much better. So I shifted my career focus to educate and coach leaders on how to profitably put the power of love to work. It’s what I call the Amare Way.

Some think business and love don’t belong together. Nothing could be further from the truth – especially in today’s fearful and divisive world. Time and time again, I see leaders harness the power of love to gain confidence, get super-clear on their vision, communicate better, unify their teams, engage employees, and make customers into raving fans. You can be a love-powered leader too. Why not?

Start with these questions: 

1. Are you willing to believe that leading with love can bring you greater success?

2. What evidence would you require to take one step forward into love-powered leadership?

3. If you let go of doubt for a moment, what do you imagine might happen if you did become a love-powered leader?

7 Amare Steps to Start Being an Incredible Love-Powered Leader

1. Cut loose. Allow yourself to imagine being a love-powered leader in the ways you treat people, how you make decisions, and how you communicate. Read The Amare Wave for plenty of ‘how-to’ tips. 

2. Take the litmus test. Ask yourself and your colleagues “Do we love our customers?” Then dive into how you show it or why you don’t.

3. Watch your words. Notice your company’s language: Is it warlike – battle plans, crushing competition, capturing customers – or kind and respectful? Check this out for more. 

4. Let go of fear. If you start feeling fearful, observe it without judgment. Then interrupt it – take a deep breath, choose a positive thought, wash your face, and move your body. 

5. Expect resistance. You are on the cutting edge as a love-powered leader so prepare yourself for doubt and cynicism. Come up with three authentic responses and practice them out loud.

6. Believe in enough. Choose to believe for one week that there is enough to go around, that generosity is rewarded, and that life is conspiring to support you as a love-powered Amare leader.

7. Love yourself. In this moment, right now, just love you. Look in the mirror, take a deep breath, say “I love you.” Let it sink in. You deserve it. Repeat often! 20 more self-love insights here.

Imagine yourself at your very best – clear, focused, confident, productive, and highly effective all the way around. Now imagine what that kind of leadership will do for your organization. You can make this a reality now, one step at a time. Contact me here for more free information and get-started resources.

Support for Teams Needing to Function at Their Highest Level

I do focused keynotes, workshops, and coaching centered on building authentic and powerful teams that communicate effectively, are aligned and on the same page, and highly productive – all powered with the uplifting and connecting energy of Amare. For more info, contact me here.


Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

Love and doubt have never been on speaking terms.”

―Khalil Gibran, author of The Prophet

Acknowledgments: Dan Brown’s podcast on The Dalai Lama’s Guide to Happiness. First episode here. The encouragement of dear colleagues and executive coaches Kathy Fleming and Ken Diller.


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