Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

Moshe's blog

Moshe’s Blog

The Power of Presence: What Happens When You Really Show Up for Your People

By Moshe Engelberg, PhD

After one of our coaching sessions, Paul and I headed to the company cafeteria, ready to enjoy lunch. Paul, a deeply inspiring CEO and long-time client, greeted nearly a dozen people on the way with genuine warmth and enthusiasm, receiving the same in return. 

In the cafeteria, we noticed a woman who looked a little distraught. Without hesitation, Paul walked over, put his arm around her, and gently asked how she was doing. She looked at him and said, “Not good at all.” Paul didn’t flinch. Instead, he leaned in closer and asked her to share what was happening.

What followed was a heartbreaking story about her son, who had been severely injured in an accident and had undergone multiple surgeries. Paul didn’t check his watch. He didn’t rush. He just stayed with her, offering empathy and presence, fully engaged for the next ten minutes. Think about the message that sends—both to her and everyone who witnessed this moment.

Think about how often you really show up for your people–even with a crazy busy schedule, and how powerful the message it sends when you do. 

Practice being fully present. When someone shares something personal or difficult, give them your undivided attention. Put your phone away, stop glancing at the time, and just be there.

When you show up authentically, with love and empathy, it not only impacts the individuals you connect with but also ripples through the entire organization. Your presence is powerful. It’s a silent message that says, “You matter.” And that’s what leadership is truly about.


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