Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

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Moshe’s Blog

The Power of Discernment to Make Business Better

How Discernment Improves Business with Love

Some of us misunderstand love. We think it involves unconditional acceptance of everything and everyone, like a giant group hug. The reality is that love in business, as in life, requires discernment.

As a business leader, this means perceiving deeply what is, and acting accordingly – without criticism or drama. This will influence where you put your company’s energy, who you engage with, how you set boundaries around what it is and is not okay, and what choices you make in the present moment. Discernment makes business better, but it’s not always easy to do. Answering these three questions will help.

  1. How do you recognize when discernment is called for in your work?
  2. Are you aware of when you are discerning vs. judging vs. ignoring?
  3. What happens when you use your discernment skills effectively?

5 Ways to Put Love to Work with Discernment

Here are actions that will help you recognize calls for discernment, apply your discernment skills, and trust the decisions that result.

  1. Recognize the call. Practice discernment with little inconsequential things, like which pen you’ll pick up or which banana you’ll eat. The key is discerning the subtle signal that can guide your decision.
  2. Distinguish signal from noise. With so much information coming at you, notice what you do and don’t allow in, what triggers you, and what is of real value.
  3. Check alignment. As you evaluate options, ask yourself how each one aligns with your core values, the company’s purpose, and a greater good.
  4. Accept the answer. Discernment can produce answers you don’t like or want. Notice if you resist and rationalize away those answers, or act on them anyway.
  5. Take a moment. Before committing to a certain path, stop. Ask yourself, does this make sense and feel right? Your body will give you the second answer.

Discern for Yourself – Do YOU Want to Put Love to Work?

Love does improve profits, productivity, and happiness. Email or call me, and in a complimentary 15 minute session, we’ll practice discernment to create 3 “amare” ideas you can apply right away. Let’s improve your business and grow the wave!

More Resources for Building Your Discernment Skills

  • Discernment is a key to alignment within yourself and your organization. Check out the chapter on Alignment in my book The Amare Wave, including “mirror” exercises on pp. 120-122.
  • Great academic article by Stephan Joubert called A Well-Played Life on discernment and selfless leadership, in a book about working well in a VUCA world.
  • A beautiful story in a collection of Buddhist folktalesThe Wise Quail is about leadership, discernment and collaboration in difficult situations. Synopsis here from Learning To Give.

Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.”
—The Serenity Prayer

Thanks everyone for tuning in to Amare Wave Wednesday! Do YOUR one amare thing today to improve your business and grow the wave!

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