Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

Moshe's blog

Moshe’s Blog

The One & Only Conspiracy Theory Rooted in Love

How Life Conspires in Your Favor

I’m not a big fan of conspiracy theories. I think most stoke distrust and negativity by playing on plausible ideas that quickly engage our deepest fears and frustrations. None that I ever heard are rooted in the uplifting energy of amare. But there is one BIG exception (based on this dictionary definition – acting in harmony toward a common end) and it is this: Life conspires to support you.

Think about it. Every day (so far!), you’ve woken up on the right side of the dirt. Without conscious effort, your heart beats over 100,000 times daily. Each day, you likely have much more than the basic necessities you need to survive. And it just keeps happening!

You have countless thoughts and inspirations that come from somewhere, and keep showing up. You have inherent abilities that let you be of service while bringing meaning into your life. You are part of a universe that supports your growth and expansion, though the process isn’t always easy. But when you know this, it takes the pressure off of you. You’re not in this alone my friend, you have life conspiring in your favor.

1. Are you willing to believe that life conspires to support you?

2. When do you accept and when do you resist what life conspires to bring your way? When do you accept and when do you resist what life conspires to bring your way?

3. Will you align your business mindset and heartset with the idea that life conspires in your favor?

4 Amare Ways to Benefit from The Conspiracy Called Life

1. Ask “what if”? Do a thought experiment and imagine that your life and work is totally supported by a positive conspiracy, every day, every moment. What possibilities come to mind? What happens in your heart?

2. Look for it. Notice all the things that seem to just happen and favor your existence and growth – from knowing your purpose to a coworker’s smile to the spark of an idea for your next big innovation.

3. Go with it. If you ignore the support, life will be harder. Make decisions aligned with what life conspires to bring your way, especially when it’s hard to understand. Trust in life.

4. Cultivate more conspiracy. Ask life for what you want that serves your greatest good. Seriously, ask. Invite your people to share their “craziest” ideas. Tell your partners and customers you’re on their side and then show them.

Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

“Live life as if everything is rigged in your favor.”


Thanks everyone for tuning in to Amare Wave Wednesday! Do YOUR one amare thing today to improve your business and grow the wave!

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  1. Kathy Fleming

    I look forward to Amare Wave Wednesdays; I am always inspired and receive a special insight. Some I was aware of but had forgotten. Some are totally new. Always they are powerful and …like the Amare way… filled with , love, energy that uplifts.

    • Moshe Engelberg

      I’m so glad you get value and feel uplifted from the Amare Wave Wednesdays. You are a powerful support for me in this Amare work.