Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

Moshe's blog

Moshe’s Blog

The Crazy Thing About Truth in Business

The truth? For me, it’s a “knowing” that is instant, simple, clear, and indubitable. Maybe you see it. Or hear it. Or feel it.

Amare – energy that uplifts and connects (aka love) – is always aligned with truth and that makes business better. But in the world of business, many of us have been trained to subordinate truth to results. So what do we do? We bend the truth, use smoke and mirrors, tell white lies, and even delude ourselves. This pulls us out of alignment, out of the energy of love, and costs us bigtime, actually diminishing results in the long run.

So what if instead, we always heeded the truth in business. Just imagine what that would do! OMG. Sit with that for a moment. Now… what truth shows up for you?

4 Amare Ways to Make Truth the Norm in Your Work

  1. Learn to discern truth. Practice, practice, practice. Truth has a unique quality, different fom wishes, delusions, convention, and ego. You’ve had many moments when something inside you just knows the truth. We all have. Honor that inner knowing, so it becomes a friend and habit.
  2. Act on the truth. Even if you don’t like what it is, do it. If it’s awkward or hard, say so. Just be clear that it really is the truth you are acting on and not something you manufactured and are falsely labeling as truth.
  3. Cultivate love with truth. Blurting out the truth without regard for its effects is just mean. Preface sharing the truth by acknowledging to others that it might be painful and you’re sorry if it is (if that’s true!). Be compassionate to yourself as you grow your truth-telling, and to others who receive your truth and share theirs.
  4. Make telling the truth a non-negotiable in your organization. From developing strategy to reporting financials, innovating new products to crafting sales messages, speak the truth. Enable and reward others for doing the same, and set the expectation that truth-telling is part of your DNA and company culture.

Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

“It is what it is.”

Thanks everyone for tuning in to Amare Wave Wednesday! Do YOUR one amare thing today to improve your business and grow the wave!

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  1. Laura Walcher

    Is Donald Trump on your distro list???
    Best love, regards, Laura W.

    • Moshe Engelberg

      Hmm. Doesn’t look like he subscribed. I wish he and all politicians practiced truth-telling!