Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

Moshe's blog

Moshe’s Blog

Stop Working So Hard! Destroy the Myth that Working Harder Makes You Successful & Happy

Just Work Harder! Yeah, Right.

“If I work harder, I’ll be more successful. Then I’ll be happier.” You’ve heard this logic, right? Maybe you think this yourself sometimes. After all, it’s a very common trope among business leaders. And… it’s all wrong.

First there is the implication that you’re not working hard enough, that  insufficient effort is compromising your success. That’s absolutely not the case for any executive I’ve ever coached. Most work very hard and for way more hours than they want. Hard work is almost never the missing ingredient.

Second is the assumption that after you succeed you will be happy. Really? How many times have you succeeded at something and then immediately jumped to the next thing, and without much lasting happiness. That closed loop of goal-success-next goal-next success-will go on infinitely – if you let it. So don’t let it.

  • What is your mental model that connects hard work, success, and happiness?
  • Would you like to be happier?
  • Are you willing for success to come with ease?

3 Amare Steps to Free Yourself from the Myth of Working Harder

1. Examine the predominant mental model. Write each of these on a little sticky: ‘hard work’ – ‘success’ – ‘happiness.” Put them in that sequence. Consider what assumptions that mental model requires, if they match your beliefs, and how well (or not) that model has worked for you.

2. Experiment outside-the-box. Swap the sequence of the stickies by putting ‘happiness’ first. Ask yourself what assumptions this model requires and how it fits your life experience. Add other components too if you like. Now play with the idea of adopting a new mental model that feels right to you, is not centered on hard work, and offers you new possibilities. 

3. Imagine ease plus success. Close your eyes for one minute. Imagine yourself at your best as a leader, with ease in your life, no suffering – and being hugely successful. Ready? Do it. Now ask yourself if you’re willing to make this paradigm your reality.

Hard work is important, no doubt. However, it becomes a trap if you push yourself or others to constantly overwork as though it is the Holy Grail guaranteed to produce success and then happiness. Don’t feed that myth any longer.

Instead be part of the new generation of Amare leaders – powered by love and willing to a) keep hard work in its proper role, and b) allow happiness to fuel hard work and generate business success.

Three Reviewers Needed for New Amare Leadership Book Series

Would you like to be an advisor and reviewer on our new Amare book project? We’re making a unique book series from these newsletters and would love your input. Email me for more info.


Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

Overwork can slow down our brains and compromise our emotional intelligence.

—Annie McKee, author of How to Be Happy at Work

Acknowledgements: This funny and insightful TED talk by Shawn Achor, and all the proponents of Positive Psychology who encourage human flourishing.


Click here and read more Amare Wave Wednesday newsletters on related topics:

6 Steps to Working Super-Hard and Hustling – Without Losing Yourself

5 Ways to Accept & Bring More Ease into Your Work

Limiting Assumptions Limit Your Success: 5 Amare Steps To Better Assumptions, Strategies, Results – The Magic Leadership Triangle

Three Powerful Steps to Being Committed to Success –  Without Being Attached to the Outcomes You Want

Five Ways to Flourish in Business and Life


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