Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

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Moshe’s Blog

Stop Holding Back: 5 Life-Changing Steps to Lean into What You Truly Want

Stop Holding Back

“I’m not getting the new company started like I planned,” Erin told her  team. “I keep putting it off.” Something was holding her back. I often see this with executives I coach, resisting doing what they most want to do. 

The five main reasons I see leaders hold back are: 1) lack of clarity about what they really want, 2) lack of confidence in themselves, 3) fear of failing, 4) fear of succeeding, and 5) the comfort of suffering. Yet the main reason I hear leaders cite is being too busy. While you may in fact be super busy, that’s not the real thing holding you back. It never is.

Consider working with an executive coach to help you get clear, be brave, and stop holding back. When you resist doing what you most want to do, what really calls you, you keep yourself small. Sure, it’s safer. And, it’s not why you’re in the position you’re in. None of us are here to be small. Including you. 

1. What do you really want?.

2. What are you most resisting?

5 Amare Steps to Stop Holding Back & to Lean into What You Want

1. Place your order. Imagine a genie is ready to take your order, to fulfill what it is you want. That means you need to express what that is. Keep at it until your “order” is simple and clear. Then smile. You got clear!

2. Make a double list. First list the reasons you pretend are holding you back from what you want. And no judgment, we all make up stories. Now list the real reason(s), starting with this: The main thing holding me back from ___________ is ___________.  Now figure out the payoff you get from holding back, e.g. safety, suffering, etc.

3. Get ready. Ask yourself if you’re ready to be done holding back and ready to let go of the payoff you identified above. If the answer is no, respect that, knowing you’ve planted a seed for change that needs some time to develop.

4. Empower yourself. Write down exactly what you will tell yourself and what you will do when you notice you are holding back. Now list what you will tell yourself and what you will do to take a step forward into what you want. Reward yourself. This is hard work!

5. Choose to trust. Cultivate a belief that an active force greater than you  is in your corner, conspiring in favor of your greatest good. Remind yourself often. 

Be the kind of self-aware leader you want to be. When you notice yourself resisting and holding back from doing what you most want to do, get curious. Dive in, figure it out, and give yourself support to lean into whatever it is. This is the way of Amare love-powered leaders. Learn more here

Keynotes for Organizations Ready to Be Daring

I do powerful keynotes and workshops centered on creating love-powered organizations, and daring to take that first step. For more info, contact me here.


Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

“The moment you commit and quit holding back, all sorts of unforeseen incidents, meetings, and material assistance will rise up to help you. The simple act of commitment is a powerful magnet for help.”

―Napoleon Hill, author of Think & Grow Rich


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