Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

Moshe's blog

Moshe’s Blog

Releasing Harmful Illusions about Business

Sometimes illusions are so powerful and pervasive, we don’t recognize them as illusions. We simply live as though they are true. In business we operate under two dominant illusions that cause a great deal of pain and angst. One is that business is war. It is not. The second is that a business exists to make money. It does not. 

Every business begins with the idea of improvement. Hence, a business exists to make life better for people, which provides value to society. In doing so, a business makes money. Money is an essential byproduct, but not the reason any business exists. And warlike behavior is not necessary to make life better for people or to make money.

When these illusions are visible to you, you then become aware that you have a choice about how to be in business, which always starts with the reason you are here. Ask yourself:

  • Why does your organization exist?
  • Do you think of business as war?
  • To what extent are you ruled by money?
  • Can you see a different path forward when you surrender the illusions?

Three Amare Ways to Go Beyond The Illusions 

  1. Be honest about your purpose. Talk with your colleagues. Ask each other, “why are we here?” Then once answered, consider if that is true and enough.
  1. Don’t let money be your taskmaster. Review some recent decisions you made. In how many was money the deciding factor? Think about if other things mattered too, or if you pretended they did. 
  1. See deeper beyond the illusions. Go inward and notice your reactions to the two illusions I described above. Attend to what your body tells you – are you lighter when aware of and free of the illusions?

Calling on Leaders that Want to Put Love to Work

The Amare Way helps leaders see and work in a new paradigm for making the biggest difference they possibly can. If you’re tired of the old ways, get in touch. We’ll set up a complimentary 30- minute consulting session with immediate benefit guaranteed!  And please forward this on to someone you know who needs it. 

Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

“Things are not always what they seem; the first appearance deceives many; the intelligence of a few perceives what has been carefully hidden.”


Thanks everyone for tuning in to Amare Wave Wednesday! Do YOUR one amare thing today to improve your business and grow the wave! 

With Amare,


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