Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

Moshe's blog

Moshe’s Blog

One Microsoft: How Great Leaders Turn “Oneness” Initiatives Into Genuine Unity

Ever notice how many companies launch big initiatives with names like “One GE” or “One Pfizer”? Sometimes it’s a hit, like at Ford under Alan Mulally. Other times, it’s more like, “Hey, look, we tried!” 

You can’t just declare, “We’re One!” and expect everyone to hold hands and sing Kumbaya. Real unity takes more than a slogan—it’s about aligning everyone with a shared vision and purpose, and not just quarterly goals.

To be clear, unity isn’t about conformity. It requires embracing diversity within the oneness. Think of it as harmonizing voices in a choir—each one unique, but together, something beautiful happens. 

And here’s the thing: unity can’t exist without trust. “Oneness” initiatives are like the family road trip of business strategies—everyone in the same car, driving toward the same destination. But without trust and belonging, you’re likely just circling the block. 

“One” Initiatives in Action

Take Microsoft’s “One Microsoft” under Satya Nadella. It wasn’t just a catchy phrase; it was a cultural overhaul that embraced inclusivity, collaboration, and a growth mindset. Contrast that with Yahoo’s “One Yahoo” under Marissa Mayer—a great idea, but without the cultural groundwork of trust and collaboration, it never truly unified the company.

”One” isn’t just a buzzword. It’s about fostering authenticity, belonging, and collaboration—the ABCs of the Amare Way. When these pillars are in place, unity becomes more than a slogan—it becomes the foundation of success.

  • How united is your team behind your company’s mission?

  • Are there silos or divisions within your organization that need breaking down?

  • How can you create a stronger sense of belonging and collaboration in your workplace?

6 Amare Action Steps to Build Real Unity in Your Organization

1. Identify common ground. Find that shared vision everyone can rally around. Make it your team’s rallying cry. Read this for how.

2. Break down silos. Encourage cross-functional projects to foster collaboration across departments. The more everyone interacts, the more unified they’ll become.

3. Foster belonging. Create opportunities for employees to feel like they’re part of something bigger. Recognition and team-building go a long way.

4. Communicate transparently. Keep everyone in the loop about company goals and how their work contributes to the bigger picture. Transparency builds trust.

5. Lead by example. Show your team what unity looks like in action. Align your leadership style and priorities with your organization’s mission and values.

6. Put love to work. Implement the 7 Amare Way principles to empower your people with the uplifting and connecting energy of love. Here’s a free e-book that explains them.

All for One and One for All!

Unity isn’t just a buzzword or a slogan; it’s the glue that holds great organizations together. When your team feels connected, supported, and aligned with a common purpose, they’re not just more productive—they’re more fulfilled. 

And when you lead with unity, grounded in the Amare Way of authenticity, belonging, and collaboration, you create a culture where everyone thrives. So go ahead, be the leader who turns “all for one” into reality.

Transform Your Leadership Team 

I coach and advise executives and leadership teams on identifying and being the best version of themselves, through the Amare Way of love-powered leadership. If this stirs something within you, please listen. For more information, contact me here.


Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

“Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.” 

—Ryunosuke Satoro, Japanese poet


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Connecting Before Correcting: 7 Amare Techniques for Successful Leaders to Build Trust and Better Solve Problems

Beating to One Drum: How Ubuntu Inspires Modern Leadership

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Your Most Powerful Leadership Tool is The Personal Example You Set: 7 Steps to Get It Right & Maximize Your Organization’s Success

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