Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

Moshe's blog

Moshe’s Blog

No Secrets: How Transparency Empowers Highly Successful Leadership

Have you ever envisioned a workplace where secrets are as outdated as fax machines? Welcome to the bold world of transparency, where the open book management style isn’t just a policy but a practice that can revolutionize team dynamics. Here, secrets are swapped for openness, transforming loaded silence and sneaky whispers into crucial conversations.

Secrets can foster division and breed mistrust, while transparency knits teams closer, creating a unified front where everyone knows the score—like a sports team where every player knows the play, not just the quarterback. This means creating a psychologically safe environment where telling the truth is expected and rewarded, never punished. What a relief it is for everyone!

Not allowing secrets was one key to how CEO Alan Mulally transformed the culture at Ford Motor Company. This resulted in a pre-tax operating profit of $8.3 billion in 2010, a dramatic turnaround from the $12.6 billion loss in 2006. More on his love-powered leadership approach here.

  • How might a ‘no secrets’ policy change the dynamics of your team?

  • What challenges could arise from a fully transparent approach, and how would you manage them?

  • What specific areas in your leadership or organization would most benefit from increasing transparency?

7 Amare Ways to Cultivate a “No Secrets” Amare Culture

1. Make it safe. Implement regular, structured team sessions that emphasize respect for all voices and reinforce that it’s safe to express opinions and concerns without fear of negative consequences.

2. Do Red/Green/Yellow. In your weekly update meetings, apply Mulally’s color-coded system (green for on-track, yellow for caution, and red for attention needed). That makes it simple to be transparent. Be sure to commend people when they take the risk of reporting a “red” status and offer support to fix things.

3. Lead with vulnerability. Show that leaders can fumble too, and that’s okay. Sharing your own lessons learned from missteps can demystify failures and encourage others to share their experiences openly.

4. Implement transparent processes. Make the black box of decision-making as clear as a sunny day. Whether it’s how you allocate budgets or choose who gets promoted, clarity removes suspicion and fosters trust.

5. Regularly share company insights. Keep everyone informed with the regularity of a beloved TV show. Whether it’s good news or bad, consistent updates prevent the rumor mill from churning.

6. Practice and reward honesty. Foster a culture where truth is treasured. Don’t just expect it, train it! Recognize those who uphold this value, showing that while honesty may not always be easy, it’s always appreciated.

7. Integrate the ABCs of the Amare Way. Focus on Authenticity, Belonging, and Collaboration to strengthen your team’s unity and effectiveness. Embed these values into everyday practices to enhance open communication and mutual respect across your organization.

Here are two simple examples contrasting what happens when leaders keep secrets versus being transparent.

Performance reviews with secrets: Employees are blindsided, fostering resentment. No secrets: Ongoing feedback leads to no surprises and continuous improvement.

Strategic decisions with secrets: Decisions made in silos lead to implementation resistance. No secrets: Inclusive strategy discussions increase buy-in and facilitate change.

Embracing a ‘no secrets’ approach may seem daunting, but the benefits of building an open, honest culture are profound. It not only enhances teamwork and trust but aligns everyone towards common goals, making your organization not just a place to work, but a place to grow and thrive together.

Here’s to leading boldly and with transparency, creating a space where secrets are so last season, and open communication paves the way for genuine progress and lasting success!

Lead with the Most Authentic Version of You 

I coach and advise executives and leadership teams on identifying and being the best version of themselves, through the Amare Way of love-powered leadership. For more information, contact me here.


Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

“Honesty and transparency make you vulnerable. Be honest and transparent anyway.”

— Mother Teresa


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Embracing Openness and Love in Leadership: CEO Alan Mulally’s Path to “Working Together” Success

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