Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

Moshe's blog

Moshe’s Blog

Make Your Vision So Powerful!

You have a vision for what you want in your organization and life. We all do, even if it gets hard to see at times. When you aspire toward your rightful vision, rooted in love, you will soar! 

Imagine a vision so compelling that it totally engages you while being in complete alignment with who you are and what you value. Imagine a vision as expansive as it can be, with no holding back. Imagine a vision so powerful that you can see it and feel it as though it has already come to be. 

  • Will you allow yourself to let go and not edit your vision?
  • Will you declare your vision to others?
  • Will you spend five minutes right now on visioning?

Four Amare Steps to a Powerful Vision

  1. Go big. When exploring your vision, be all in, even if it gets scary. Being realistic is not necessary or useful when visioning, it’s just a way to play it safe, to stay small. You can always choose to scale back your vision later. 
  1. See it. Vision literally involves seeing. Notice what images come to mind as you allow your vision to be revealed. Let it unfold like a play or show, and if you get distracted, simply come back to seeing the vision.
  1. Feel it. Pay attention to your sensory inputs as you imagine your vision is fulfilled. Notice what you see, feel, touch, smell, hear; who you’re with, what you say and do, etc. Make it a whole body experience. 
  1. Commit. Give a date for when your vision will be fulfilled and exactly what will be in place at that time. Be very specific. Then move into an action plan and schedule to make it happen.

So What’s Your Vision??

An Amare-fueled vision is always uplifting and will deeply connect you with your passion and purpose. As a leader, contact me to explore how powerful, sharp, and fulfilling your vision can be. I want to walk my talk, so here’s a peek into my vision – how I see the Amare Wave in the world.

  • Millions of businesses worldwide proudly saying, “We are an Amare company!” The vast majority really are, and prosper greatly as a result.
  • Capitalism is being rewritten and retooled with Amare as a major tenet, amplified by leading economists everywhere.
  • Amare is routinely called on by leaders to get on purpose, motivate employees, and increase profits.
  • Customers overwhelmingly choose to give their business to Amare companies, enabling these companies to prosper and grow more than competitors.
  • Amare is changing the nature of business for good, and the world sees and rewards Amare companies for making people’s lives measurably better.
  • Brand valuations of Amare companies dramatically increase, leading more and more to catch the Amare Wave.
  • There is measurably less suffering and greater happiness in the world due to how business is deepening human connection and uplifting society with Amare.

Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

“The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.”

—Helen Keller

Thanks everyone for tuning in to Amare Wave Wednesday! Do YOUR one amare thing today to improve your business and grow the wave! 


With Amare,


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  1. Ginger Parnes

    This was very valuable.
    Thank you

    • Moshe Engelberg

      Glad to know that Ginger, thanks.

  2. Barnea Levi Selavan

    I was just telling my tour guests today that we do not know who Herod the Great’s engineer was, but we see his Vision expressed. Very valuable points Moshe, thank you!

    • Moshe Engelberg

      That’s the thing about vision. We all get to enjoy its manifestation! Happy Chanukah Barnea!

  3. Elizabeth Dreicer

    Thanks for this wonderful inspiration Moshe!

    • Moshe Engelberg

      Glad it inspired! Thanks Elizabeth.