Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

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Moshe’s Blog

Love Increases Profit

Will You Make More Money by Putting Love to Work? 

The short answer is YES. Companies that are love-centered—and have all the business essentials in place—do very well financially. In chapter 2 of my book The Amare Wave, you will find compelling evidence as to the profitability of putting love to work. How about we add your company to the list??

What is Your Relationship with Money?

Money matters, and it matters a lot. The more you have, the more good you can do for the world and your loved ones. Yet, some of us deny ourselves, thinking money is evil. Others only care about amassing wealth, mistaking money as the main purpose of business, which it is certainly not. The reality is that money is neutral, a form of energy with no judgment of good or bad.

Check out your relationship with money by choosing one of the options for each statement:

  1. I do/do not want to be rich.
  2. Money is my master/servant.
  3. More money makes me more/less happy.
  4. I am/am not a good steward of money.

5 Ways to Make More Money by Putting Love to Work

  1. Provide perspective. In Amare companies, money is means to an end – fulfilling your higher purpose. Be clear about how you prioritize money and purpose. Then, reflect that in your leadership. 
  1. Say so. If you love your employees and customers, tell them (appropriately of course). On our ResearchWorks home page, we explicitly say “We love our clients.” 
  1. Check in. Love is energy that uplifts and connects. Assess with your team specifically how and when you uplift and create connection with each of your stakeholder groups, and how you can do more.
  1. Adopt guidelines. Will you deceive or harm or manipulate others to increase profits? If yes, consider where you draw the line and why. If not, codify these Amare choices and call them out when you act on them.  
  1. Match words & actions. Make sure what you say about money and what you do about money are consistent and aligned. Be brave and ask your team (and family!) for input. 

Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

A business absolutely devoted to service will have only one worry about profits. They will be embarrassingly large. ― Henry Ford

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