Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

Moshe's blog

Moshe’s Blog

Letting Go of the Status Quo in Business

Catching the Amare Wave naturally involves change. Yet many of us resist change and default into sticking with the way things are, even when it doesn’t serve us. For example, we may keep ineffective strategies or policies, retain people who don’t and won’t do a good job, or stay in roles that are not the right fit. This limiting behavior is called the status quo bias.

Why do we do this? One major reason is fear: fear of a loss of status; fear of failure; fear of rejection; fear of the unknown. External forces too, like peer pressure and organizational politics, can compel us to avoid any risk and maintain the status quo. Consider these questions: 

  • Do you typically resist doing things differently at work?
  • Under what business circumstances do you avoid risk?
  • When do you seek out or welcome change?
  • Will you be a change agent in your company?

Three Amare Ways to Overcome the Status Quo Bias

  1. Notice resistance. When facing possible change, notice if you feel resistance — a restricting of your breathing or hardening of your beliefs. The awareness can help you make a more considered and even-handed decision.
  1. Move your body. When the idea of change triggers an acute stress response like fight or flight, the instant antidote is Dr. Katie Hendricks’s “fear melters” – sway to counter a fight response, and shake (like dogs do!) to counter a freeze response.
  1. Make no-risk changes.To habituate yourself to change (excuse the oxymoron!), try little things with virtually zero risk. If you usually cross your left leg over your right, do the opposite. Sit in a different chair. Type in a different font. Mix it up!

Turning Common Traps into Stepping Stones

The status quo bias is one of five habits that get in the way of growth and success. Read about them all and how to overcome them in my book The Amare Wave. And get in touch if you want my help working through them in an initial complimentary consulting session.

Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

“Change is the law of life and those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.”

John F. Kennedy

Thanks everyone for tuning in to Amare Wave Wednesday! Do YOUR one amare thing today to improve your business and grow the wave! 


With Amare,


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  1. Kathy Fleming

    Your post hit the spot…as always. Looking at my relationship to change. Thank you. Kathy

    • Moshe Engelberg

      Nice Kathy, thanks. You are always doing the Amare work!!