Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

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Moshe’s Blog

Leading with Heart: 6 Ways to Be a Beautifully Open-Hearted Leader

Open-Hearted Leadership

During the holiday season, our culture tells us to open our hearts. So we do. To sustain the energy of open hearts, we practice a wide variety of rituals and traditions – with food, songs, gifts, games, prayer, etc. The result, when things go well, is feeling uplifted and more deeply connected. And that’s what Amare, or love, is – energy that uplifts and connects. 

Now imagine that uplifting and connecting energy driving your business; not just now, but all year long. Imagine that leading with Amare  energy, uplifting and connecting, is your calling card. Imagine it happening with your employees, your customers, your suppliers, your community – all your stakeholders. Now imagine it happening inside, within you.

  • What rituals and traditions most open your heart?
  • What simple things uplift and connect people in your organization?
  • Will you lead with love?

6 Amare Ways to Be a Beautifully Open-Hearted Leader 

1. Make it safe for yourself. Open-hearted leaders are vulnerable, which requires feeling safe. List three things that help you feel safe – a saying, a memory, a sacred object; a way of breathing, a smile… whatever works for you. Call on these tools regularly.  

2. Assess your culture. In a leadership team meeting, explore your  company rituals and traditions that separate and diminish (fear energy) and those that connect and uplift (amare energy). First just notice and discuss for a few weeks. Then come back and work on making changes that support a love-centered culture. 

3. Strengthen your team. Conduct a more formal assessment of your individual and team’s leadership styles to determine what tendencies you want more and less of, and to get very clear on who you want to be and what you want to achieve. Here’s one we use, by Leadership Circle. 

4. Commit to leading with love. The first level of commitment is to yourself, then to your people, then to the world. At each level, imagine what it looks like and what it feels like. Imagine what people are saying. Imagine prosperity like never before. For more, check out the Amare Way Manifesto in my book (p. 201), or here online.

5. Start and stop one thing now. Start doing one new thing today – something small and simple – that opens your heart and uplifts others. Stop doing one old thing – a little thing – that shuts you down and pushes people away. Which things? Be in quiet for two minutes and you will know. 

6. Practice silence to know your heart. Take time every day – even a minute or two – to simply be, in silence. Don’t worry if your mind wanders or chatters at you nonstop. Being quiet is an extraordinary way in to know your heart. 

More Support for Being a Heart-Centered Leader

Do you want to be more heart-centered in your leadership? Consider starting 2022 with the gift of professional coaching. I have an opening  at the moment, and can refer to other amazing Amare-based coaches too. Contact me for more info or to set up an initial complimentary session to make sure we’re a good fit. 

Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

“It is true that the heart has its seasons, just as a flower opens to the sunlight and closes to the night. We need to be respectful of those rhythms. But we can’t close down for long. It is our true nature to have an open heart.”

―Jack Kornfield, bestselling author & cofounder of The Insight Meditation Society

Acknowledgments: Kia Miller, Dana Parnes, & Kathy Fleming, thank you.


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