Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

Moshe's blog

Moshe’s Blog

Imagine 9/11 Unity. Everyday.

9/11 is seared into our collective memory in America as the day we were attacked by terrorists, the day World Trade Center buildings collapsed, the day thousands tragically died. It was also a day that countless heroes emerged – firefighters, police, and everyday citizens who risked and even gave their lives to save so many others.

Crisis events like 9/11 and like Covid-19 threaten and may kill us without regard to how famous we are, how much money have, or what we look like. They can also ironically bring out our best. How? We know we are all vulnerable and that makes us get real very quickly. We show up authentically. We know we are in it together, and we share that common bond. We all belong. We know we need to work together toward a goal that benefits us all. We collaborate. 

Authenticity, Belonging, and Collaboration. These are the ABCs of love at work, and the pillars of the Amare Way. 9/11 reminds us of how quickly we can collectively step into the ABCs and how powerfully transformative and healing it is when we do. 

The truth is we don’t need a crisis to practice Authenticity, Belonging, and Collaboration. Every day, any day, we can put the power of love to work. That is the opportunity consistently in front of us, again and again. And that is how we make our world better. 

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