Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

Moshe's blog

Moshe’s Blog

How to Surrender for Greater Power

Be Strong Enough to Surrender

In business and life, healthy surrendering is absolutely not a sign of losing or weakness. It is in fact a show of strength. Surrendering is simply yielding, letting go of resistance, and no longer trying to force something that’s clearly not working. Maybe it’s business projections that aren’t viable, a partnership that isn’t fixable, or traditions that no longer serve. 

Surrendering is not easy because our culture so lavishly praises pushing through and shames not doing so. But it can be mastered. Surrendering with amare requires four traits that are critically important for strong love-centered leadership – discernment, trust, honesty, and courage.

  1. Can you discern when you are force-fitting and resisting?
  2. Will you trust in your “knowing” that tells you to surrender?
  3. Will you be honest enough with yourself to accept that it’s time to let it go?
  4. Can you muster the courage to release whatever it is and make space for something better?

When to Persist, When to Surrender

You know the old adage – a strength overused becomes a weakness. This is true for persistence too, an important and highly valued quality in business that can involve overcoming resistance. Next time you feel persistence/resistance kicking in, pay attention, and without judgment, observe if it’s simply habit, or your ego telling you to push through no matter what, or if the persistence in that situation is healthy and aligned with your greater good. One clue is feeling present – if you don’t, it’s time to surrender and get free.

Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

“The greatness of a man’s power is the measure of his surrender.” 

― William Booth, founder of the Salvation Army

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