Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

Moshe's blog

Moshe’s Blog

How to Become an Inspirational Leader & Transform your Organization

Once upon a time, in a (not-so-faraway) land of quarterly targets and sales forecasts, an inspirational leader appeared, wielding a telescope instead of a calculator. She invited her team to peer through the lens and see beyond the immediate fiscal horizon, to where innovative ideas and bold strategies shimmered like stars, leading them to explore new realms of achievement and wonder.

As the business world spins with ever-increasing complexity, the call for leaders who can inspire and uplift–what I call Amare leadership – has never been louder. Inspirational leaders are the rocket fuel of the corporate world–waking up, shaking up, and elevating everyone around them. 

What It Looks Like to Be an Inspirational Leader: Picture a leader who walks into a room and instantly raises the energy level. As an inspirational leader, you don’t just direct, you empower. You celebrate successes loudly and handle failures with a reassuring grace, always focused on lessons learned and the path forward.

What It Means to Be an Inspirational Leader: Inspirational leadership means embodying the vision and values of your organization in such a compelling way that others are motivated to act and engage. You are leading with your heart and your mind. Every decision you make and action you take reinforces the collective mission and elevates morale.

How to Be an Inspirational Leader the Amare Way

Becoming a beacon of inspiration isn’t about having charismatic charm or a magnetic personality. Here’s how to truly light that fire:

1. Champion your values. Wear your organization’s values like a superhero’s cape. Openly let them be seen and felt.

2. Be authentic. Tap into your own inner inspiration to generate truly inspired action.

3. Cultivate growth. Think of your team as a garden—water them with opportunities and watch them bloom.

4. Connect genuinely. Get down in the trenches to forge connection and lead from the front. Nothing inspires like solidarity.

5. Encourage the new. Cheer on healthy risk-taking with the fervor of the ultimate sports fan watching the nail-biting final play.

6. Consistency rules. Be the reliable beat to your team’s rhythm. Like the classic story of the tortoise and the hare, consistent and steady progress will take you further than flashy feats.

7. Take care of you. You can’t pour from an empty cup. Recharge your batteries!

Why Be an Inspirational Leader

Being an inspirational leader means you’re not just managing a team; you’re nurturing the next generation of leaders. You create a magnetic culture that attracts talent, encourages innovation, and retains top performers. 

Inspirational leaders thrive on emotional intelligence, using charisma and clarity to spark enthusiasm and commitment. Unlike transactional leaders, who operate on a quid-pro-quo basis, or autocratic leaders, who demand compliance without input, inspirational leaders invite their followers into a shared dream.

Stepping into the role of an inspirational leader means embracing a journey of continuous growth and connection. It’s about uplifting every individual by recognizing their unique contributions and fostering an environment where everyone can thrive together. Being an inspirational leader is not just an effective strategy—it’s a transformative one. 

Lead with the Best Version of You & Your Team

I coach and advise executives and leadership teams on identifying and being the best version of themselves, through the Amare Way of love-powered leadership. If this stirs something within you, please listen. For more information, contact me here.


Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

“People buy into the leader before they buy into the vision.”

— John Maxwell, author of The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership


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