Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

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Moshe’s Blog

From Cynicism to Commitment: How Great Leaders Drive Meaningful Transformation

Moving People from Cynicism to Commitment

“We’ll just lay low and under the radar for this new re-org. Soon there’ll be some other leadership initiative promising big transformation.” As a consultant, this is what I consistently heard from seasoned mid-level managers at large government agencies and big corporations. They’d seen it before: the grand proclamations, the ambitious initiatives, and the eventual return to the status quo.

I see this happen a lot. Leadership teams, often backed by a high-profile consulting firm, decree a major new initiative. A few people get excited. Most just nod their heads, knowing through experience that it’s another “flavor of the month” and won’t really matter in the long run. They will wait you out. Some, I learned from coach Kathy Fleming, even call themselves “we-be’s” – “We be here at the start, and we be here when it ends.”

It can be different. As a leader, your challenge is to introduce major change initiatives that are embraced by your team and have lasting impact. This requires you to show up with authenticity to build trust, create a sense of belonging, and foster meaningful collaboration, the ABCs of the Amare Way. 

  • Have you earned your people’s trust? Would you trust you?
  • What is the history of change initiatives in your organization?
  • How can you foster unity during times of change?

8 Amare Leadership Steps for Authentic and Lasting Organizational Change

1. Engage Proactively. Initiate courageous conversations with your team (tool here). Dive deep to understand their perspectives, apprehensions, and hopes regarding the change. Find out what will strengthen trust.

2. Connect the Dots. Be super-clear on how the big change: a) advances the organization’s vision and purpose, and b) how every role contributes. Call it alignment. Keep it simple. No BS.

3. Lead with Transparency. Detail the rationale behind the change, its objectives, and the envisioned benefits. Be honest about downsides, especially people losing jobs. This clarity can dispel doubts and foster trust.

4. Require Alignment, NOT Agreement. Invite your leadership team to commit to the change–even if they don’t like or agree with the particulars–because they see and support its alignment with what’s good for the organization.

5. Keep Channels of Communication Open. Establish regular forums or feedback sessions, ensuring every team member feels heard and valued during the transition.

6. Collaborate Across Boundaries. Organize cross-functional workshops and team-building activities. This promotes a holistic understanding of the change and better implementation along with breaking departmental silos.

7. Celebrate Milestones, Big and Small. Organize recognition events and share success stories to boost morale and reinforce the positive impact of the change.

8. Review and Refine. Set up periodic checkpoints to assess the progress and effectiveness of the change initiative. Use feedback to make necessary course corrections.

When you champion change with authenticity, belonging, and collaboration, you can transform organizational skepticism into enthusiastic support, propelling everyone to new heights of success.

Inspire and Influence Your Teams with My Keynote Speeches

I do powerful keynotes and workshops that help good organizations make transformational changes, and help teams take that first step together. For more info, contact me here.


Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

You don’t lead by hitting people over the head. That’s assault, not leadership.

—Dwight D. Eisenhower


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