Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

Moshe's blog

Moshe’s Blog

Beyond Your Mind: 10 Steps to Tap Your Inner Wisdom and Be a Better Leader

Have you ever stopped mid-spreadsheet, coffee in hand, and wondered, “Am I leading from my head or my heart?” It’s a million-dollar question, really. 

While our minds are great at logic and strategies, the most compelling leadership often bubbles up from a deeper well of inner knowing, an inspired source that’s not just smart but wise.

For example, a mind-driven leader relies solely on data to decide to expand the team, ignoring gut instincts about current team dynamics. The leader tuning into inner guidance senses the timing isn’t right despite favorable numbers, chooses to delay, and later finds the market shifted in ways that would have made expansion difficult.

  • Where do you feel the main source of your leadership comes from—is it your mind, or something deeper?

  • How often do you pause to listen to your inner guidance before making decisions?

  • What steps can you take to more clearly distinguish between your intellectual reasoning and your intuitive knowing?

10 Amare Action Steps to Tap into Your Inner Leadership Wisdom

1. Cultivate silence. Make space for quiet reflection daily, allowing your deeper insights to surface beyond the noise of everyday tasks.

2. Embrace intuitive practices. Incorporate practices like meditation, journaling, or even walking in nature to connect with your inner guidance.

3. Do breathwork. Learn to use your breath to tune into your energy and inner wisdom. Get help from Jim Case, an expert in this space. 

4. Seek alignment. Before making decisions, check in with yourself. Does this align with my core values and the vision I hold for my leadership?

5. Foster openness. Encourage your team to share their intuitive insights during meetings. Valuing these perspectives can lead to richer, more creative outcomes.

6. Trust your gut. Start small by making minor decisions based on your gut feelings and observing the outcomes. Gradually work to trust your inner guidance more for larger decisions.

7. Reflect on outcomes. Regularly reflect on the decisions you’ve made from intuition versus pure logic. Assess the impact and learn from each experience.

8. Create moments of mindfulness. Integrate brief mindfulness exercises into your daily routine to enhance your receptivity to intuition.

9. Practice patience. Give yourself the time to fully form your intuitive insights. Rushed decisions often skew towards habitual thinking.

10. Educate your team. Offer resources and training on developing intuition and emotional intelligence to support a culture of inspired leadership.

Inner Wisdom: Your Ultimate Leadership Tool

Embracing your inner sage might just be the best move you’ve never planned. By sourcing your leadership from a place of inspired knowing, you’re not just making decisions—you’re making a difference. When you blend the wisdom of the heart with the insights of the mind you create a symphony that resonates with authenticity and purpose.

Transforming your leadership approach to one that is deeply connected to your inner wisdom doesn’t just change how you lead—it revolutionizes it. This is the essence of Amare love-powered Leadership. It ensures that every decision, every interaction, is infused with a depth that is palpably different and distinctly impactful.

Lead with the Best Version of You & Your Team

I coach and advise executives and leadership teams on identifying and being the best version of themselves, through the Amare Way of love-powered leadership. If this stirs something within you, please listen. For more information, contact me here.


Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

“Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.”

— Steve Jobs, Apple co-founder


Acknowledgement: Gratitude to Jim Case for his insights on the mind which led to this newsletter issue.


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