Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

Moshe's blog

Moshe’s Blog

Beyond FOMO: Embracing the Amare Way for Lasting Leadership Success

Do You FOMO?

“Don’t miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime event. Register now before it’s too late!” OR “Exclusive bonus just for you! Sign up now to get this special deal – offer ends tonight!”

Appealing to our primitive brains, these messages are designed to motivate action by stimulating a fear of missing out (FOMO). While FOMO tactics might offer short-term gains, they come at a huge cost. 

For businesses, leveraging FOMO can lead to the relentless pursuit of superficial engagement and short-term sales, rather than providing long-term value and gaining deeper fulfillment. Greed and dissatisfaction take hold.

On the receiving end, people bombarded with FOMO-inducing messages experience heightened anxiety and a sense of inadequacy. So they constantly chase experiences or products that they hope will allay their fears. 

Is that what you want for your people? For your customers?

The Amare Way of love-powered leadership, focuses on choosing love over fear, taking the long view, and prioritizing relationships. It offers a sustainable and profitable alternative to the fleeting allure of FOMO.

Examples of FOMO vs. Amare Strategies

FOMO: A company launches a product with a limited-time offer, creating urgency but not necessarily customer loyalty.

Amare: The same company also focuses on building a community around its product, emphasizing long-term engagement and value.

FOMO: A leader pushes for rapid, aggressive expansion to outpace competitors, risking burnout and quality.

Amare: The leader opts for steady, sustainable growth, prioritizing team well-being and long-term market presence.

FOMO: Marketing campaigns heavily rely on scarcity and urgency, leading to short-lived spikes in sales.

Amare: Marketing is centered around storytelling and customer relationships, leading to enduring brand loyalty.

In my experience as a consultant and coach of 30 years, Amare wins. Choosing love over fear means making decisions grounded in empathy and understanding, rather than just reacting to market pressures or competition. Taking the long view involves focusing on sustainable growth and lasting impact, rather than short-term wins. Prioritizing relationships means you reward deep, meaningful connections over simple transactional exchanges.

  • How does FOMO play out in your organizational culture? In your life?

  • How often do you make decisions based on FOMO rather than a clear, strategic vision?

Navigating Beyond FOMO the Amare Way: Strategic Action Steps in Six Critical Business Domains

1. Leadership. Regularly evaluate how FOMO might be influencing your leadership decisions, and keep realigning with your core values and long-term objectives.

2. Culture. Foster a workplace environment that values thoughtful decision-making over urgency and immediacy, encouraging practices that counteract FOMO mentality. 

3. Innovation. Prioritize developing solutions based on user needs and long-term market trends, rather than reacting to short-term fads or competitor actions.

4. Marketing. Design marketing strategies that prioritize customer engagement and feedback, rather than exploiting the fear of missing out.

5. Sales. Set sales goals and compensation structures that encourage steady, sustainable growth rather than aggressive, short-term goals driven by FOMO. 

6. Success. Transition your metrics from FOMO-driven short-term achievements to long-term growth and sustainability, rewarding strategies that foster enduring customer relationships.

As a leader, you have the power to shape the culture and ethos of your organization. By choosing the path of the Amare Way, you commit to a leadership style that is not only ethical and sustainable but also highly profitable and deeply fulfilling. 

By moving your culture away from the fleeting allure of FOMO, you can instead build a legacy of meaningful relationships, strategic alignment, and authentic success. 

The journey starts with a simple yet profound shift in perspective – from fear to love, from transactions to relationships, from the short-term to lasting success.

Keynotes & Workshops that Spark Transformational Changes

I do powerful keynotes and custom workshops rooted in the Amare Way of love-powered leadership that empower leadership teams and inspire deep transformation. For more info, contact me here.


Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

“Our goal is to build trust with our customers, which isn’t something that happens overnight. It comes from consistent, honest, and value-driven practices, not from capitalizing on their fears of missing out.” 

—Mary Barra, CEO of General Motors


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