Moshe Engelberg, PhD, MPH

Moshe's blog

Moshe’s Blog

Being a Hero: The Leader’s Dilemma

Is it Good to be a Hero?

Being a hero seems awesome. Save the day! Overcome tremendous obstacles! Rescue your people! These are noble and worthy pursuits, right? Well, it depends.

In a healthy way, being a hero involves taking risks, stretching yourself, and sacrificing yourself for others – all great leadership qualities in the right circumstances.

And, when overdone, acting heroic may mean being a martyr and manufacturing worthiness, while secretly craving aggrandizement. Rather than uplifting and connecting – amare energy – unhealthy heroism can look good on the outside while feeling terrible on the inside. 

  • Do you want to be a hero sometimes?
  • What needs does being a hero meet for you?
  • Can you be a hero without there being a villain?
  • How can heroism serve the highest good for you and your company?

4 Amare Steps Toward Healthy Heroism

1. Check your authenticity. To make sure your heroic actions stem from a selfless desire to better the situation, and not simply getting yourself attention or appreciation (there are healthier ways to get those needs met!), ask yourself “what’s the payoff?” and “whose needs does this really meet?”

2. Be an everyday hero. When you really acknowledge someone, when you bring a smile to someone’s face, when you empower someone, when you just listen to someone, when you take that extra moment to connect and care – you are being a hero.

3. Ask the ultimate motive question. Would you still do it – whatever the heroic act is – if no one ever knew it was you? 

4. Build healthy heroism into your culture. Even if you don’t use the word “hero,” foster and reward small and large acts of healthy heroism that uplift people and deepen connection. 

Free Master Class on Leading with Love – with Moshe & Marshall Goldsmith

I put together, with famed executive coach and author Marshall Goldsmith, a one-of-a-kind, free Master Class for people who want to step into their power and lead with love.The class is spread out over three video sessions, and takes about 30 minutes in total. Sign up here and get one session a day in your inbox starting Monday, Jan. 24th.

Today’s Amare Wave Wednesday Quote

“A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.”

—Joseph Campbell


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